Custom Enchants currently include; Durable (Indestructible), Super Silk Touch (Silk Touch for Paxels but works with spawners) CHARMS Charms are created with all the new alloys and reward the player with a permanent effect whenever they hold it in their off-hand slot!
Mod LoadersView all Forge Categories Magic Adventure and RPG Main File 1.19.3 dragon_enchants-1.0.5.jar ReleaseR 1.19.3 Forge Feb 26, 2023 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.19 dragon_enchants-1.0.5.jar ReleaseR 1.19.3 Forge Feb 26, 2023 dragon_enchants-1.0.4-1.19.2.jar ReleaseR 1.19.2 Fo...
Skip to Downloads On this hardcore survival map you begin on a crashed ship in the middle of the desert. You have to survive while dealing with thirst and temperature. Your goal is to defeat the enderdragon. There are machines, unique weapons, custom enchants, and many other fun features ...
UCHIJAAAAMoreEnchants{1.3.0} [MoreEnchants] (更多附魔.jar) UCHIJAAAAIronChest{} [Iron Chest] (更大箱子.jar) UCHIJAAAAbettervillages{0.4} [Better Villages Mod] (更好村庄.jar) UCHIJAAAAeplus{1.7.10-3.0.1} [Enchanting Plus] (更好附魔台.jar) UCHIJAAAAdna948{3.1} [The Last ...
If you’re wanting to have custom weapons regardless of being on servers or not, then modifications are perfect. This is amplified with modpacks, as they’re entire collections of standalone mods that implement a wide range of features to the game. For instance, BigChadGuys introduces you ...
B:"Enchanting: Auto-remove vanilla enchants"=false启用或禁用自动移除原版附魔# 如果禁用,玩家新合成的工具,敌人掉落的工具, # 和宝箱中生成的工具均不会具有修饰 # 但不会影响已经有的修饰 B:"Enchanting: LOTR System"=true启用或禁用mod附魔系统(修饰系统)#...
15周年派对用品 | 官方Add-On翻译包开放下载! #MC15周年 怪兽之王登场!Minecraft x 哥斯拉DLC翻译包 更多武器!Minecraft基岩版武器扩展包2简体中文翻译 蹦极遛“猪鲨”【fargo`s受虐召唤师】9 【MC模组分享】2024年9月份最好的20个1.21模组![ Forge&Fabric] ...
2. 更多附魔[More Enchants]: ---单纯的为了应对高难度[非欧鉴定][有助于更好的逃跑]针对了许多生物的伤害增强,不单单是亡灵,节肢杀手,以及更多有趣的附魔。高难度的生存必须拥有更加牛x的自己才能应对。3. 植物魔法[Botania]+额外植物学[ExtraBotany]: ---自动化的福音,科技创造美好未来个人非常喜欢的mod,也...
Forced entities: 197 total; [EntityScent[''/5499, l='MpServer', x=-228.88, y=63.00, z=70.31], EntityScent[''/5492, l='MpServer', x=-223.25, y=63.00, z=70.31], EntitySkeleton['骷髅'/4894, l='MpServer', x=6.91, y=-...
UCHIJABambooMod{Minecraft@MC_VERSION@ var@VERSION@} [BambooMod] (【竹】Bamboo- UCHIJAbspkrsCore{6.15} [bspkrsCore] ([1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar) UCHIJAArmorStatusHUD{1.28} [ArmorStatusHUD] (【耐久左下显示】ArmorStatusHUD-Mod-1.7.10.jar) UCHIJAcustomnpcs{1.7.10d} [...