现代化修复 (ModernFix)[2] 模组也说明自己可以解决该问题,你也可以试一试~ 手动删除残余数据你可以使用NBT explorer软件打开你存档文件夹里的level.dat文件,找到Data下的WorldGenSettings下的dimensions,找到你删除模组对应名称的世界名,选中,Delete,然后大叫,告诉你的存档说存档你好了呜呼——。 相关链接 [1] [DLEF...
Just Enough Dimensions allows registering custom dimensions to Minecraft. For more information and the downloads (compiled builds), see http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/just-enough-dimensions Compiling Clone the repository Open a command prompt/terminal to the repository directory run 'gradlew bu...
【求助】配1.17...崩溃日志:Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option --illegal-access is deprecated and will be re
标签归档:1.19.2mod 提供海量我的世界1.19.2mod大全,Minecraft1.19.2mod下载,希望广大玩家喜欢。 我的世界1.21.4-1.16.5钠 Sodium Mod下载 2024年12月7日MOD大全0 钠Sodium Mod是一款 Minecraft 客户端的免费开放源代码渲染引擎替代品,可极大地提高帧速率,减少微死角并修复 Minecraft 中的图形问题。与其他模组相比...
Custom features and decoration Extensive configuration options & in-game GUI Screenshots: In conclusion, we would like to mention the thing that users require is safe and secure content. Therefore we put our utmost effort to keep checks and balances. Furthermore in order to ensure that the mods...
These mods alter world generation with new dimensions, dungeons, biomes, and other challenges, providing a vast landscape full of secrets waiting to be discovered.1. The AetherThe Aether mod introduces a heavenly dimension located in the sky, filled with floating islands, unique creatures, and ...
Dimensional Doors Mod (Pocket Dimensions) adds several types of “Dimensional” Doors that allow access to teleportation and extra-dimensional pocket dungeons
These dimensions are as they seem, and will be barren, for lore reasons of course. However, in the future, I will add much more life to them. Each dimension, except for the nuclear dimension, contains walkers, or to put it simply: the dimensions' main custom enemies. These walkers ...
WarpDrive- Adds Star Trek and other franchise like ships, weapons, transporters and so on into the game. Also adds new planets (dimensions). Pam's HarvestCraft- Pam's HarvestCraft is a mod for Minecraft that currently adds many kinds of crops and food. ...