To do that you will need a new block that this pack adds called the "Essence Absorber". This is the essence absorber's crafting recipe: Like the wand's recipe, the 3 swords you will get will turn into the essence absorber. The item itself is a player head, when you place it on th...
Obtaining Orion Drive Crafting it requires the Orion Drive as a recipe component. Tier 2 Rocket The Tier 2 Rocket is the rocket which you will need to get to Mars. The spaceships require Rocket Fuel for liftoff. This rocket can Rocket Rocket The Rockets are arguably the most vital part...
Obtaining Orion Drive Crafting it requires the Orion Drive as a recipe component. Tier 2 Rocket The Tier 2 Rocket is the rocket which you will need to get to Mars. The spaceships require Rocket Fuel for liftoff. This rocket can Rocket Rocket The Rockets are arguably the most vital part...
Or what about moving items back into your inventory after you want to craft a different recipe? Even though the previous mod can help you greatly for this purpose, the Crafting Tweaks mod has its unique and incredible uses. You’ll be able to easily and quickly rotate, balance and clear ...
Deco Recipe Essentials[Forge/Fabric] Regions Unexplored (forge/fabric) Resource Pack Overrides [Forge & Fabric] Resourceful Config Resourceful Lib Rhino Rubinated Nether RyoamicLights Savage and Ravage Sawmill Searchables Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric] ServerCore Shield Expansion ...
DATA PACK VERSION 34 数据包版本 34 更新内容 Recipe results can now specify component data 配方结果现在可指定组件数据 Added new entity predicate field slots, for matching item slots 新增slots 实体谓词字段,用于匹配物品槽位 Added slot names for ranges, like container.* ...
PACK FILTERS 包过滤器 Data and resource packs can have filter section in pack.mcmeta . 数据包和资源包现在在 pack.mcmeta 有了 filter 段落 This section has mandatory field block, which is a list of patterns (regular expressions) for namespaces and paths. 这个段落有一个必填项 block,是命名空...
showRecipeMessages: boolean; Type:boolean Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. showTags showTags: boolean; Type:boolean Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. spawnRadius spawnRadius: number; Type:number ...
NameIngredientsCrafting recipe[hide]Description Barrel Any Planks +Any wood Slab Bed Matching Wool +Any Planks The wool color must match. The planks can be different. Beehive Any Planks +Honeycomb Boat Matching Overworld Planks Bookshelf Any Planks +Book Bowl Any Planks 4 Cartography...
A collection of Data Packs, Resource Packs and Recipe Additions for Minecraft 1.13 and up. Including; One-Bed Sleep, Gravestones, Disenchanting, Crop Harvesting, AFK Detection and MORE!