MinecraftCapes is a Mod designed for Minecraft which allows you to wear any cape you wish in-game, absolutely free. Getting our mod working correctly is easy, just follow the steps shown in the video below. We have0users enjoying their custom capes. You can choose from a variety of capes...
Prominent Features of Minecraft Capes Mod: 1. Your own custom cape! 2. Anyone else who has this mod will see your cape and you will see theirs! 3. Turn your cape on and off with a simple tick box on this website! 4 Change your cape at any time! How to Install Capes Mod for Mi...
SkinMC Mod allows you to upload a custom Minecraft cape — completely for free. Visible for anyone using the mod in-game. - Download the Minecraft Mod SkinMC: Minecraft Capes by rux on Modrinth
Forge Version MINECRAFT VERSIONS 1.17 AND BELOW:This mod also requires theCaelus API. Allows Elytra to be dyed and have banners placed onto them, in the same way as leather armor and shields Additional Features & FAQ Works with capes! (You can also hide your cape from appearing on your ely...
OptiFineCape Wynntils Cloaks+ LabyMod Cosmetica If you want to apply to add other skin server to default list, please go to issue. To Skin Server Owner CustomSkinLoader is designed for loading from any server, which makes the mod complex. It's not a good idea to refer to CustomSkinLoader...
Damage Indicators, FMLFileResourcePack:Mo' Bends, FMLFileResourcePack:AtomicStryker Update Check Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Balkon's WeaponMod, FMLFileResourcePack:Zombie Awareness, FMLFileResourcePack:UnicodeFontFixer, FMLFileResourcePack:CustomNpcs, FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore, FMLFileResourcePack:Baubles,...
Scenario 1: server & Steve have the mod, Alex doesn't same asScenario 0+ Steve can upload skins from his PC Steve can choose a HD skin or custom cape, but Alex won't see it Scenario 2: server & players have the mod same asScenario 1, but capes & HD skins will be visible to ...
"model": "auto", "cape": "LocalSkin/capes/{USERNAME}.png", "elytra": "LocalSkin/elytras/{USERNAME}.png" Change this part "check PNG" from false to true: "check PNG": true, And move all that Local skin part to the first
#1 Cape creator on the app store for iPhone, iPod and iPad. Attention: Capes are not available to be used in the current version of Minecraft. Many servers DO have mods on them to let you use a custom cape. For those servers, we have created this App. You can create capes completely...
🧣 Cape & Elytra 🪑 Decoration & Furniture 🏜️ Dimension & Biome 🦅 Fly 🍔 Food 💻 FPS, CPU, RAM 📚 Information & Guide 📜 Library & API 🧟 Mob & Creature 🦋 Morph 📷 Photo & Video 🟦 Pixelmon 🟥 Redstone ...