The comment section isn't great for support, join the official discord server. You can get help installing and configuring mods, resolving crashes and more! Plus you'll also get access to news about mod updates and development (before anywhere else)....
更好的进度试图改善进度系统在模组多模组环境下的UI(用户界面)和UX(用户体验)。 This mod's scope is cosmetic and Quality of Life. For modpack creators, I suggest looking into Triumph if you are creating a pack with custom advancements. 本模组的分类是视觉效果和游戏体验。对于整合包作者来说,如果要...
textField.mouseClicked(mouseX,mouseY,mouseButton);// 打开文本框点击获得焦点的功能}protectedvoidkeyTyped(chartypedChar,intkeyCode)throwsIOException {super.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode); textField.textboxKeyTyped(typedChar,keyCode);// 打开文本框输入功能}protectedvoiddrawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(floatpartial...
Keksuccino - Thank you for helping me figure out how to use fancymenu pitbox46 - Thanks for all the custom mods, this modpack didn't feel finished without them ninjamike1211 - I can't thank you enough for all the work you did to fix the shader therealdan55 - This is seriously the...
Every biome also has its own atmosphere, sound effects, and background music that will all make you feel as if you’re really there. TheEnd citiesaren’t the only structures, as there are custom ones on the central End island. Download BetterEnd ...
The main menu background now shows a Wild Update panorama 主菜单现在会显示一个荒野更新全景图 Mino...
打开之后 会看见一个名叫mainmenu.json的文件 用记事本或notepad打开 个人建议用记事本打开即可那么你就要找图标文件了 图标文件放哪里呢?用解压软件打开MOD本体的jar文件然后我们就要打开assets文件夹 然后打开custommainmenu 然后打开texturex 然后打开gui然后把你想要的图标放进去 记住格式一定要png...
The main menu background now shows a Wild Update panorama 主菜单背景现在显示一个荒野更新全景图 Mud generates all the way from the surface down to stone in Mangrove Swamps 泥巴在红树林沼泽中从地表一直生成至石头上方 Tall Mangroves are far more common than Short Mangroves in Mangrove Swamps ...
The background of the chat preview will also display slightly faded when a preview is waiting to be signed 预览消息还未签名时,聊天预览的背景色会更淡一些 Added a warning toast when connecting to a server that doesn’t enforce secure chat ...