arrowFire = 火矢 arrowInfinite = 无限 arrowKnockback = 冲击 crossbowMultishot = 多重射击 crossbowPiercing = 穿透 crossbowQuickCharge = 快速装填 curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability =...
Curse 诅咒(附魔) Curse of Binding 绑定诅咒 Curse of Vanishing 消失诅咒 Evoker 唤魔者 Exploration Map 探险地图 Illager 刌民 Llamas 羊驼 Ocean Explorer Map 海洋探险家地图 Return Portal 回归传送门 Shulker Box 潜影盒 Shulker Shell 潜影壳 Totem of Undying 不死图...
Curse 诅咒(附魔) Curse of Binding 绑定诅咒 Curse of Vanishing 消失诅咒 Evoker 唤魔者 Exploration Map 探险地图 Illager 刌民 Llamas 羊驼 Ocean Explorer Map 海洋探险家地图 Return Portal 回归传送门 Shulker Box 潜影盒 Shulker Shell 潜影壳 Totem of Undying 不死图腾 Vex 恼鬼 Vindicator ...
MC-270648- Wolf armor with the curse of binding enchantment cannot be removed from wolves using shears in creative mode MC-270648- 带有绑定诅咒魔咒的狼铠无法被创造模式下的玩家使用剪刀从狼身上取下 MC-270679- Clicking on text with run_command can cause EncoderException and will exit to multiplaye...
Press the 'g' key by default to open a gui that gives you access to 3 additional sets of armor. Simply click the switch button beneath the armor set you want to switch to exchange the armor. Be aware that it does abide by the Curse of Binding, meaning pieces you are wearing with th...
Press the 'g' key by default to open a gui that gives you access to 3 additional sets of armor. Simply click the switch button beneath the armor set you want to switch to exchange the armor. Be aware that it does abide by the Curse of Binding, meaning pieces you are wearing with th...
Minecraft: Java 版 - 1.20.5-pre2 It's the start of a new week and we're coming right ...
[Bug MC-107601] - /enchant command doesn’t allow to put “Curse of Binding” on skulls or pumpkins /enchant指令不让把绑定诅咒加在头颅或南瓜上 [Bug MC-107623] - Observer Instant wire 观察者瞬间激活 [Bug MC-107631] - Smooth Andesite in Woodland Mansion is sometimes replaced by default wor...
binding_curse 绑定诅咒(感觉直译“黏合诅咒”更可爱一点)采集工具类:efficiency 效率silk_touch 精准采集(直译为“像细丝一样采集”,很生动形象了...)fortune 时运(电脑不好就别用时运30000的钻石镐...)钓鱼竿luck_of_the_sea 海之眷顾lure 钓饵武器类:(1)剑sharpness 锋利。。。 地方不够了,等我一下,2楼...