ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.4-9.4.1-168 Release R 1.19.4 Forge Oct 3, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.3-9.3.0-163 Release R 1.19.3 Forge Mar 1, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.2-9.2.4-170 Release R 1.19.2 Forge Mar 30, 2024 Report
Instead of one block that magically spits out dusts when ore is put in, it offers a crusher, a big multiblock (5x3x3) that features rotating wheels and spits out particles as it breaks the ore. Instead of a Laser that turns power into magical light and ores, it offers an Excavator, an...
Instead of one block that magically spits out dusts when ore is put in, it offers a crusher, a big multiblock (5x3x3) that features rotating wheels and spits out particles as it breaks the ore. Instead of a Laser that turns power into magical light and ores, it offers an Excavator, ...
This is an Add-on forEmendatus EnigmaticaV2.1+ mod which handles all processing and registry forImmersive Engineeringcompat. Supported Processed Types: Storage Block Slabs Sheetmetals and Sheetmetal Slabs Scaffoldings and Scaffolding Slabs
Immersive Engineering: Additional Crusher recipes (Credit SSyl) Industrial Foregoing: Easier Ore Dictionary machine recipes (Credit Krutoy24) NuclearCraft: Changed recipe of basic battery, was using Elite Plating, changed to basic. (Credit Krutoy24) NuclearCraft: Disabled smelting of unused EnderIO allo...
at com.github.klikli_dev.occultism.common.job.CrusherJob.canPickupItem( ~[occultism:1.16.5-1.5.4] {re:classloading} at com.github.klikli_dev.occultism.common.entity.spirit.SpiritEntity.lambda$canPickupItem$11( ~[occultism:1.16.5-1.5.4] {re:cla...
Immersive Engineering: Additional Crusher recipes (Credit SSyl) Industrial Foregoing: Easier Ore Dictionary machine recipes (Credit Krutoy24) NuclearCraft: Changed recipe of basic battery, was using Elite Plating, changed to basic. (Credit Krutoy24) NuclearCraft: Disabled smelting of unused EnderIO allo...
- Removed crafting recipes for IE treated/steel/aluminum posts in favour of Immersive Posts varieties - Replaced glue from nutrient squeezing with fertilizer - Fixed rice grain having a higher chance of producing extra grain in the Crusher
Смазкуможноиспользоватьв , и . <&lubricant1>Контейнердлясмазкиможноиспользоватьдляручногонанесениясмазкинамашину. Наиболееэффективнанефтяная...
This is an Add-on for Emendatus Enigmatica V2.1+ mod which handles all processing and registry for Immersive Engineering compat. Supported Processed Types: Storage Block Slabs Sheetmetals and Sheetmetal Slabs Scaffoldings and Scaffolding Slabs Wires and Wirecoils Supported Recipes: Crusher Metal Pre...