介绍: 改变某玩家的游戏模式。 用法: /< command > < survival|creative|adventure > [玩家] 别名: adventure,eadventure,adventuremode,eadventuremode,creative,eecreative,creativemode,ecreativemode,egamemode,gm,egm,gma,egma,gmc,egmc,gms,egms,gmt,egmt,survival,esurvival,survivalmode,esurvivalmode antioch...
-Speed 飞行速度 -Falls 防止跌落伤害(有Bug) -Overshoot 增加微量的移动(可以绕过更多反作弊插件) -Confirm Packets 主动确认传送的数据包 -Load Disable 载入世界/其他维度时自动关闭Flight(建议开启) -Positive 伪造正方向的Y坐标,而不是负方向的Y坐标 -Creative 向创造模式一样飞行 -Jetpack 喷射背包 -Max Velo...
added client facingcreativeFlySpeedandcreativeFlyDrag. These settings are purely client side so it would work also on vanilla servers. Drag will impact the max speed, so you need to adjust your speed to match your drag settings. With drag set to 0.0, use speed of 11 to match vanilla top ...
fly(): voidCauses the simulated player to start flying as though they were flying in creative mode. For flying with Elytra, see function glide.Notes:This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors.giveItemgiveItem(itemStack: minecraftserver.ItemStack, selectSlot...
The four Creative Inventory tabs now have their names read out by text-to-speech TTS 现在可朗读创造模式物品栏的四个栏位 Screen reader now describes function of "Delete World" button in the Storage menu 屏幕阅读器现在会描述存储一栏中的「删除世界」按钮功能 Tweaked the contrast of the text insid...
New command that locates a specified biome. Useful in creative mode when you're looking for a specific biome and don't want to fly around randomly searching for it. Syntax:locatebiomeParameters: biome- The id of the biome to find
If you feel slow when flying, press the sprint key. This action increases your flying speed, allowing quicker exploration in the sky. What If I Can't Fly After Enabling? If you enabled flight but can't fly, check your player permissions. In some servers, players need special permissions ...
Spectators generate chunks, if they fly to new chunks 旁观模式玩家可以生成区块,如果他们飞去新的...
class GameType(object): Undefined = -1 Survival = 0 Creative = 1 Adventure = 2 Default = Survival # ItemAcquisitionMethod描述 获得物品的方法枚举值class ItemAcquisitionMethod(object): Unknown = -1 MethodNone = 0 PickedUp = 1 Crafted = 2 TakenFromChest = 3 TakenFromEnderchest = 4 Bought ...
Fixed a bug causing the fire animation to flicker when the player is standing in a Lava Cauldron while in Creative mode (MCPE-148999) 修复了创造模式玩家站在装了岩浆的炼药锅中火焰动画发生异常的问题 (MCPE-148999) Fixed an issue that could cause severe visual glitches when using emotes more th...