Tech and serious style collide in the SteamPunk mod pack, with everything from Create to Ad Astra and a robust suite of biome and world generation mods. If you've ever wanted to build a proper train, conquer your blocky world with industry (and a little magic), or just sail an airshi...
Walk through best practices for preparing and facilitating a Minecraft Education training for your organization, receive training materials, and get inspired with ideas to create a training environment that empowers all to use Minecraft Education. ...
Craft Train Ideas Minecraft游戏简介 您的设备日常用工艺火车理念的Minecraft壁纸自定义真棒特点:+高清品质的图像+拼图+每天更新新的壁纸。+设置图片作为墙纸谢谢你,我的世界社会,为伟大的风扇作品!这是一个非官方的无风扇/蠢事应用程序。不受此开发商拥有的任何内容属于其各自所有者。我们相信,图像属于合理使用原则,因...
Create Quark Supplementaries NBT Deadlock Be Gone (1.18 only) Caves and Cliffs Backport (1.16 only) Optional Integrated Mods: Biomes O’ Plenty (Datapack needed for 1.18+) Alex’s Mobs (Datapack needed for 1.19+, Required for 1.16. & 1.18) ...
Custom train configuration Realistic bogies and train movement Improved signalling Sideways elevators OBJ features ported over from Nemo's Transit Expansion Vehicle swaying effect New online system map and OneBusAway integration Clientside FPS improvements and serverside TPS improvements ...
Overview Walk through best practices for preparing and facilitating a Minecraft Education training for your organization, receive training materials, and get inspired with ideas to create a training environment that empowers all to use Minecraft Education....
The Minecraft Education Teachers' Lounge aims to create a tight-knit global community of educators from around the world to collaborate, engage in discussions, provide ideas, and support each other around the use of Minecraft Education! Learn more Your...
Inspired by Overkill’s superb heist game,Payday: The Minecraft Heistis a not-at-all copyright-breaching Minecraft map with three fully playable heists in co-op, and an additional bonus level. These levels create a mix of entirely original heist ideas and levels directly influenced by the orig...
I love teaching and it flustered me that so many great guys are stuck, have these amazing ideas but don't know how to turn them into a reality. That's why I decided to create a special course specifically made for the Spigot platform. ...
Imagine you are in the middle of an unknown town. Even if your surroundings are initially unfamiliar, you can explore around and eventually create a mental map of your environment—where the buildings, streets, signs, and ...