地牢建筑统合,Integrated dungeons and structures,简称idas,是一款融合了多个热门模组的建筑、地牢生成类模组。在探索idas的结构的过程中,你将体验到机械动力的结构,农夫乐事的美食,锦致装饰的种种小摆件。。。总之,这将是一个非常融合的探索体验! 视频播放量 1090
Then create Minecraft Forge profile, there you will see all the mods you have installed. In addition to that you have to download your required mod from the MinecraftYard website. Place the downloaded mod .jar file into minecraft/mods folder. Then you will need to run Minecraft and open fo...
然后,你可以锻造出与众不同的新能力,并找到访问第一个科技模组“Create”的主要途径 。一旦开发出第一个作品,你将能够通过开发更坚固的材料,迅速进入“PneumaticCraft”压缩世界 。在进展到第一个PCB并开创最佳装配站后,你将最终获得使用“Compact Crafting”来迷你化多方块机械... 魔法一块项目(Magic OneBlock Proj...
[Addon][JAVA移植][授权汉化]我的世界1.20机械动力汉化版(附下载链接)/Create Addon 04:54 [Addon][JAVA移植]我的世界基岩版1.20匠魂三化版(附下载链接)/Tinkers' Construct 3 Addon/国际版匠魂模组 08:34 [Addon]1500+家具&建筑?超多优质建筑家具!我的世界1.20中世纪家具V6.0汉化版(附下载链接)/Medieval ...
Data Packs: mod:fpsreducer, vanilla, mod:quarkoddities, mod:mod, mod:jmh (incompatible), mod:emeraldandruby, mod:roughmobsrevamped (incompatible), mod:pamhc2trees (incompatible), mod:mmorpg (incompatible), mod:jei (incompatible), mod:buzzierbees, mod:abnormals_core, mod:create, mod:azure...
that’s how it works unless you’ve got the Instant Massive Structures mod. With this mod, you can simply craft blocks from a number of materials, then place these blocks to instantly create a structure wherever you might be. This works for making farming fields and other things as well,...
This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, then spend a while roaming around. You'll find hedge mazes, hollow ...
However, the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) is not limited to the features described above. With it you can scan your own structures, reposition structures already placed or completely removed from your Minecraft world and place geometric shapes. ...
Integrated Dungeons and Structures (aka IDAS) is a mod that adds heavily detailed structures using blocks and mobs from Quark, Biomes O’ Plenty, Alex’s Mobs, and Create.