【MOD汉化】Sta..大家好,我是zbx1425,今天我为大家带来一个StationMod的汉化版!注:这个东西(Shutter Case)本应译为“遮光器盒子”,但我发现它有趣的实际用途之后:决定把它译为“卷帘门”!
Create 0.5 for Minecraft 1.18.2 now using Flywheel 0.6.3 Additions Added Display Link Added Display Board Added Steam Engine Added Steam Whistle Added Metal Girders Added Train Casing Added Train Track Added Train Station Added Train Signal Added Train Observer Added Train Schedule Added Train Cont...
TrainStation游戏详情 TrainStation 是一款模拟经营类游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演一名铁路企业家,负责管理和扩展自己的火车站。不仅仅是一个简单的模拟经营游戏,而是一个能让玩家深入参与其中,并从中获得成就感和乐趣的虚拟世界。 TrainStation游戏特色 1、制定完善的行驶路线,将每一个站点的乘客都拉上车,安全准时的送到目的...
Czech Motor Container wagon Czech Steam Train class 475 Train Station Flying Scotsman Steam Engine By: L_i_r_i_c_S Stone Brick Train Station Nether Tunnel Bore
trainstation2一款模拟铁路运营的策略游戏,玩家将在游戏中建立和管理自己的火车帝国。游戏的核心玩法包括收集各种型号的火车、建设和扩展铁路网络,完成运输任务,赚取金币并升级设施。玩家需要合理安排火车的行驶路线,优化运输效率,确保货物按时送达不同的城市和地区。 trainstation2游戏详情 TrainStation2,一款童话般的卡通休...
Trains also must be fueled with coal, controlled for proper speed, and filled with supplies. This is everything you’ve wanted in a hobby train set, but it’s all digital. 8.Enchanted Wolves Enchanted Wolvesis a somewhat complicated mod that gives you an entire wolf pack to customize and...
Fixed train consuming fuel from every slot simultaneously Fixed spouts culling visible faces Fixed crash when listing empty inventory contents on something other than a display board Tracks can no longer bend when connecting two sloped tracks Fixed Schematicannon no longer supporting half of Create's...
Explore. Learn. Create.探索。学习。创造。 Learning made fun学习即是乐趣 Virtual worlds, real learning虚拟的世界,真实地学习 指在MinecraftEdu中学习。 Thatsssss a nice lessssson you have there...上一堂好到爆的课……嘶嘶嘶…… “sss”模仿苦力怕即将爆炸的声音。 特殊...
Create 0.5.0 ✅ ✅ ❌ Create 0.5.1 ❌ ✅ ✅ Installation Simply place the .jar file in your mods folder (or install with a modloader) like any other mod! CTM is intended to be a server side mod, but can also run in single-player worlds and LAN servers. It runs a web...
This mod is so faithful to the original Nintendo games that it should be thought out as an OG Pokémon game. Hunt, train, fight… You can even have a Pokédex to identify Pokémon and a storage system via PC just like in the old days! As if that were not enough, we can also test...