简介:Minecraft我的世界入门教程:mod模组的安装与配置;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 8297、弹幕量 0、点赞数 109、投硬币枚数 46、收藏人数 102、转发人数 25, 视频作者 住地
求助!!!bette..想跟朋友玩我的世界租了个服务器4核16内存的。没加mod的版本可以进入服务器加了bmc 加入游戏界面后就显示连接丢失服务器程序也可以正常运行吧友们,这是怎么回事,是服务器配置不够么,还是mod的原因!
五、专门服务器资源网站 32、FindMCServer.com:https://findmcserver.com 33、Minecraft Servers:https://minecraftservers.org 34、Minecraft Multiplayer:https://minecraft-mp.com 35、Minecraft Servers:https://servers-minecraft.net 36、Minecraft服务器列表:https://www.mclists.cn 37、我的世界找服网:https...
All The Mods started out as a private project by WhatTheDrunk to simply create a modpack for himself and his friends to play on a private server. He put his pack on Curse and shortly found that it was growing in popularity as it evolved into the goto 'kitchen sink' pack. ...
Features can add the option to exploit new or additional technologies, but cannot add unconditionally to the minimum requirements on the supported platforms (which is what is needed to run the corresponding MC server, plus the Dynmap plugin or mod) Dynmap is built and supports running on Java ...
tritiumMC 沙漠神殿 8 原版关不掉的,服务端(开房间的那个)加上lan server properties mod试试 14楼2022-07-12 21:38 收起回复 苏波马六 地狱哀歌 11 你买了游戏却不登账号玩离线(盗版)就离谱,你买游戏是用来雪藏的么 来自Android客户端15楼2022-07-13 06:26 收起回复 ...
萌新问题求解..Recruits 的生成(我的世界百科)Recruits,可以在村庄中自然生成(需要开启Recruits取代铁傀儡生成这一设置),也可通过村民就业于相关的工作方块而出现。铁傀儡和这个recruits的
go.mod go.sum main.go plugin/minecraftobserver minecraftobserver.go minecraftobserver_test.go model.go ping.go ping_test.go store.go store_test.go Prev Next Next commit feat: minecraft observer 提供以下特性: 1. 根据ip/uri 进行 mc服务器状态查询 2.配合定时任务,可对mc服...
MCPE Mod Server for Minecraft is useful tool for seeing the status of a Minecraft server. Using the widget you can see at a glance if a server is online, and wh…