The ClayWorldGen mod makes every Minecraft world spawned after it has been installed look and feel more realistic with the addition of clay. Now you might
分享1511 minecraft吧 QYClay 求助这句话是什么意思在speedrun官网看某跑酷地图规则的时候有这样一句话 :“Using pauses to gain extra height on slime glitches is not allowed”机翻的意思大概是“不允许使用暂停来增加粘液(块)故障(跳)的额外高度”这句话没看懂 有人能解释下嘛 分享2赞 minecraft吧 卖胖次的...
This mod lets you create miniature armies out of the precious clay (and soulsand), but clay soldiers are not for fighting you, or your enemies, or anything else. They have one goal in mind, and one goal only: to kill every other clay soldier out there! Let the battle commence! A cl... 14楼2012-07-23 23:06 收起回复 lia861 末影水晶 13 可以给你的粘土士兵“铁条” 让他拥有铁做的骨骼 效果:打击其他粘土士兵的时候 击飞效果增加 并消弱对方对自己的击飞效果 (粘土士兵拿了铁条就不能骑马了,因为太重了….马承受不了...
Clay Soldiers Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraftis truly a fun based modification which normally creates multiple types of soldiers which fight with each other. It is a great enjoyment because you can equip the soldiers with some weapons, armors, and Redstone which help them to get stronger...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft black terracotta with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, black terracotta (or black hardened clay) is one of the many building blocks that you can make. The crafting process will create
Start the version of Minecraft that you’re going to install the mod for at least once. Download Minecraft Forge Download and run the recommended installer for the needed Minecraft version. This should create a new “forge” profile in your ...
Directory of Minecraft blocks to remix. Choose from redstone, diamond ore, and many more. Tynker's block editor is the easiest way to create custom blocks.
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getOrCreateNbt(); tag.putInt("CustomModelData", this.item_cmd.cmd_value); stack.setNbt(tag); this.cached_client_stack = stack; return stack; this.cached_client_stack = StackHelper.createCustomModelDataStack(this.item_cmd.client_item, this.item_cmd.cmd_value); return this.cached_client_...