relauncher.Side;importnet.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.List;publicclassEntityObBoatextendsEntityBoat{privatestaticfinalDataParameter<Integer> TIME_SINCE_HIT = EntityDataManager.createKey(EntityObBoat.class, DataSerializers.VARINT);privatestaticfinalDataParamete...
run包中新建create_alternate包-> 包中新建我们的维度包re8_dimension -> 包中新建两个功能类,一个是dim1.mcfunction,一个是dim2.mcfunction,用于创建两个维度的传送门。 dim1.mcfunctionfill ~2 ~-1 ~ ~-1 ~3 ~ re8joymod:dhands_block fill ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~2 ~ minecraft:moving_piston # Summon ...
Now access mods folder and copy/move the mod file that you download earlier. Now Start Minecraft Launcher, click Edit Profile, and select Forge profile. Start the game, you will see a “mods” menu which will show you a list of added mods. Create a new world and enjoy your modded Mine...
5:模组类型:影视同人类 6:支持版本:1.20.X 7:更新时间:2023年7月26日 8:模组下载: [UP蓝奏云下载直链]: 9:模组及系列官网:无 10:模组原贴(详细内容及教程): 11:其他: 更多好玩的模组资源,以及Boat资源请加入Minecraft资源...
Tried and true, a house is a necessity for almost every Minecraft player. We’ve all started with the hole in the dirt, or the tiny wooden box for the first couple of nights. But rather than settle for a bland, flat box for a home, why not strive to create something that reflects ...
MC百科[mcmod]网站 CurseForge [planetminecraft] MCPEDL PCL启动器 具体下载教程可以观看如下视频 我的世界国际版怎么登录 1、选择登录方式 打开启动器,点击选择登录方式 2、点击登录 输入账号密码并点击登录。 3、点击LETS GO 点击下面的LETS GO即可完成登录。
boat启动器手机版adrioad 10M 2021-03-02 v1.2.4 安卓版查看详情 boat启动器手机版是一款超棒的游戏启动工具软件。快速的畅玩我的世界以及其他游戏,大量的mod自由获取!完美的各种材质包,专业的游戏内容体 澪ultimate最新版本adrioad 60.8M 2024-07-11 v1.4 安卓版查看详情 澪ultimate启动器最新版本是一款超棒的游...
Create with dragons is exactly what you expect to find with the title. Create contraptions with Dragons and many mythical creatures. It contains the Create mod at its core, and many other QOL mods to support this theme. You can create contraptions, tame dragons, even save a village from a...
So this is my request: maybe you can add something to the “Create new entities and sounds” tab called “Wood” where you can edit the types of wood that already exist, and, just like in “Biomes” with the “Create New Biome” tab, you could add a “Create New Wood T...
描述 描述实体类型枚举值,主要用于API文档中的CreateEntity功能class EntityConst: TYPE_LVOBJ = "lvobj" TYPE_ENTITY = "entity" TYPE_MONSTER = "monster" TYPE_PLAYER = "player" TYPE_BULLET = "bullet" TYPE_SFX = "sfx" TYPE_BUFF = "buff" TYPE_PARTICLE = "particle" TYPE_EFFECT = "effect" ...