1000+ Minecraft 1.21 resource packs, mod creators can install Texture Maker and create texture packs for MCPE. Easy to edit 16x pvp packs, shaders, x ray, black texture. Resource Packs maker - Minecraft texture pack maker - Editor Pixel Art, a perfect three-in-one toolkit for Minecraft!
AutoCleanUp:# 你是否想从备份的文件夹中自动删除备份文件(除非这些备份文件已经非常大了Use:falseDays: 30# 你是否想备份文件转成zip文件# 这不会对备份文件产生影响UseZip:trueIncludeFiles: Worlds:trueforsale:trueleases:truepermlists:truerent:trueflags:truegroups:trueconfig:trueAutoCleanUp:# 玩家在 X 天后...
More than this Crafty Craft is a community for all Minecraft™ players that want to create and share with all the world their creations. However, make add-ons is not an easy task and most players cannot do it because it required programming skills. Crafty Craft will give you the chance ...
docker run -d -p 25565:25565 --name mc-better --restart always -e EULA=TRUE -e TYPE=CURSEFORGE -e CF_SERVER_MOD=BMC-Server-1.19.2-v8.5.zip -v /root/minecraft-better/data:/data itzg/minecraft-server I assume that I did something wrong with theTYPEandCF_SERVER_MODenvironment variables...
Mineloot - The Golden Days BySlayerFri67 Modpacks 25 Description [NONE OF THESE MODS ARE MINE PLEASE GO TO THE MOD OWNER FOR COMPLAINTS OF THE MOD.] This is a Exploration, nostalgic and light modpack. It bring back the beta/1.8 Minecraft to 1.20.1! Bringing back the 64 block limit ...
Mod CompatAd Astra: Lots of compat block/item tags Bewitchment: Blacklisted Death Protection Poppet from becoming indestructible Botania: Allow Construction and Exchanging Staves to pull from Botania's Black Hole Talismans Botania: New Items: Blackest Lotus & Least Black Lotus Create: Various compat ...
days-before-issue-close: -1 stale-pr-message: "请注意回应审查人的审查意见,若7天内不回应,该PR即将被关闭。相关规则见[贡献方针](https://github.com/CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#搁置规则)。" close-pr-message: "因你的回应时间超过时限,该PR已因搁置而被...
代码示例来源:origin: CFPAOrg/I18nUpdateMod privatebooleanintervalDaysCheck(){ Filef=newFile(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourcePackRepository().getDirResourcepacks().toString(),I18nConfig.download.langPackName); try{ return(System.currentTimeMillis()-f.lastModified())>(I18nConfig.download.maxDay*24...
The lake castle by daxar123_builds lets you create a relaxing and intimidating fortress directly on a lake. It has quite a tricky layout and architecture, but with a little hard work, you’ll surely be able to replicate this one.
The area filled is based on how far you can see, and that means small scale maps do fill very quickly. Conversely fully exploring a max-zoomed one takes several minecraft days. --, 1 September 2012 (UTC) little bug ...