custom_items.yml文件里可以给物品设置别名,例如把cooked_porkchop(熟猪排)设置别名breakfast,把sand(沙子)设置别名snad(应该是为了防止打错) config.yml里配置插件的基本参数,跟服务器保护有关,比如说可以把protect: prevent:栏里的苦力怕爆炸对建筑、物品的毁坏给关了(设置为true即为阻止破坏) worth.yml可以配置物...
Minecraft Item Wizard Building Custom Content Whether you are creating first Add-On or your one-hundredth, there is content for all types of creators to help you on your journey! Getting Started with Add-On Development Working with Add-Ons in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is easy! Learn how to...
"functions": [{"function": "minecraft:set_nbt","tag": "{display:{Name:'{\"italic\":false,\"translate\":\"item.modid.steel_ingot\"}'},id:'modid:steel_ingot',CustomModelData:12940001}"}]}]}]}
用法: /< command > < 玩家 >别名: einvsee item 介绍: 生成一个物品。用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID > [数量 < 附魔名称[ 附魔等级] > 。。。]别名: i,eitem,ei itemdb 介绍: 搜索物品。用法: /< command > < 物品|物品ID >别名: dura,edura,durability,edurability,eitemdb,itemno,...
Discover what you can Create Building new Add-Ons or want to learning about new Features? The Creator Documentation provides a collection of written content to assist creators. Add-On Pack Tutorials Learn how Add-Ons are used to bring custom content into Minecraft Introduction to Resource Packs ...
我们可以先从比较简单的item(物品)开始~ 在这里输入mod元素名称(并不是游戏中看到的名字)。这里我输入了HelloItem 然后点击Create new Item,进入这里 第一页 你会发现你没有材质。你可以点击材质选项,创建或导入一个材质。 点击创建材质(自己画)会进入这个页面: ...
Returnsboolean- True if the Item Stack has the tag associated with it, else false. isStackableWith isStackableWith(itemStack: ItemStack): boolean Returns whether this item stack can be stacked with the givenitemStack. This is determined by comparing the item type and any custom data and properti...
坐下来喝杯茶,然后再慢慢等"},{id:"MinecartCommandBlock",Command:"/say 这一段时间你也可以去搞搞基"},{id:"MinecartCommandBlock",Command:"/summon FireworksRocketEntity ~ ~ ~ {LifeTime:1,FireworksItem:{id:401,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Flight:0.1b,Explosions:[{Flicker:0,Trail:False,Type:1,...
customtext 介绍: 允许创建自定义信息指令。 用法: /< alias > - 在bukkit。yml中定义 delhome 介绍: 删除一个家。 用法: /< command > [玩家 ]< 名称 > 别名: edelhome,remhome,eremhome,rmhome,ermhome deljail 介绍: 删除一个监狱。 用法: /< command > < 监狱名称 > ...
Custom items with 'minecraft:durability' and 'minecraft:repairable' can be combined to repair them without requiring a custom item entry 现在有 minecraft:durability 和 minecraft:repairable 的自定义物品可以一并修复而无须自定义物品条目 Items with the Entity Placer item component will now successfully c...