现在在带有minecraft:crafting_table组件的自定义方块的crafting_tags字段中使用自定义标签的方块支持自定义可解锁配方 (MCPE-175555) This fixed a bug where some recipes did not show up when recipe unlocking was on 这修复了配方解锁时不会显示部分配方的漏洞 “sapling” block is now split into unique inst...
minecraft:crafting_table is a JSON Object component that makes your block into a custom crafting table which enables the crafting table UI and the ability to craft recipes. This component supports only recipe_shaped and recipe_shapeless typed recipes and not others like re...
铁砧(zhēn)(Anvil)是一种可以修复物品、重命名和组合魔咒的方块。 普通的铁砧和开裂的铁砧不会生成在世界中。 林地府邸的“铁匠屋”中会生成一个损坏的铁砧。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘铁砧的合适工具是镐。铁砧需要木镐或品质更好的镐来挖掘,否则挖掘
The crafting recipe for wooden doors creates three doors from six wood planks, hence each door uses two wood planks - the same as what would be required to block a 2 x 1 hole but with the ability to pass through with ease, and return in a hurry if there are a large number of mobs...
If there are two recipes for one item, the recipe book will pick the first that was parsed. If two input recipes are the same, crafting may assert and the resulting item may vary.Crafting Table PropertiesПроширитабелу ...
#我的世界# 工作台(Crafting Table)(其英文名在成就中也被称为Workbench)是Minecraft中最基本的方块之一。工作台可使用或者不使用工具进行开采,但用斧是最快的。工作台自然生成在村庄的图书馆、女巫小屋和雪屋生成。对已放置的工作台按下使用键会打开3×3的合成方格,
minecraft:crafting_table is a JSON Object component that makes your block into a custom crafting table which enables the crafting table UI and the ability to craft recipes. This component supports only recipe_shaped and recipe_shapeless typed recipes and not others like...
不知道各位有没有合成到一半突然手*然后退出,结果东西从工作台上掉了出来 然后还要重新再摆放一遍的经历 这个过程既繁琐又浪费时间 巧妙的工作台(Smart Crafting Table)模组解决了这个问题 它允许当工作台上有物品,即使玩家不小心关闭工作台,其中摆放的物品也不会掉落出来...
minecraft:crafting_table is a JSON Object component that makes your block into a custom crafting table which enables the crafting table UI and the ability to craft recipes. This component supports only recipe_shaped and recipe_shapeless typed recipes and not others like re...
minecraft:crafting_table minecraft:creaking_heart minecraft:creeper_head minecraft:crimson_button minecraft:crimson_door minecraft:crimson_double_slab minecraft:crimson_fence minecraft:crimson_fence_gate minecraft:crimson_fungus minecraft:crimson_hanging_sign minecraft:crimson_hyphae minecraft:crimson_nylium minecr...