Giant Crafting Table(9x9) (1.12.2 only) mods.biggercraftingtables.Giant.addShaped mods.biggercraftingtables.Giant.addShapeless mods.biggercraftingtables.Giant.remove Special thanks to theDungeonDerpsteam, without them, this mod wouldn't exist!
3. AutoPackager:这个mod可以根据玩家自定义的规则,将多个不同的物品自动合成成一个新物品,非常适合喜欢自动化和批量处理的玩家。另外,还有一些一键整理背包箱子、自动识别并使用可用的合成材料等mod,例如“一键整理箱”、“AutoCrafting Table”等。这些mod都可以在CurseForge网站上找到并下载。在选择和使用这些mod时,请...
讲台Lectern 制箭台Fletching Table 锻造台Smithing Table 制图台Cartography Table 织布机Loom 钟Bell 重生锚Respawn Anchor 磁石Lodestone 潮涌核心Conduit 床Bed 堆肥桶Composter 工作台Crafting Table 附魔台Enchantment Table 末影箱Ender Chest 木桶Barrel 潜影盒Shulker Box 熔炉Furnace- (烟熏炉Smoker 高炉Blast Furnace...
minecraft:crafting_table is a JSON Object component that makes your block into a custom crafting table which enables the crafting table UI and the ability to craft recipes. This component supports only recipe_shaped and recipe_shapeless typed recipes and not others like ...
在data下方创建modid的目录 在modid的目录下面创建loot_table 在创建repices以及物品合成表的json 在接下来的json文件中输入以下的内容: {"type":"minecraft:crafting_shaped","pattern":["###","###","###"],"key":{"#":{"item":"tutorialmod:zircon"}},"result":{"item":"tutorialmod:zircon_blo...
This mod will add a new cube to Minecraft – the Dekrafting Table. This table will give players the opportunity to return materials from which the armor or tools were made. Place the armor on this table and it will disappear, but you will receive the constituent materials. ...
Crafting Table 木板 Wooden Planks 右键点击展开一个3X3的合成台.熔炉 Furnace 圆石 Cobblestone 用来烧制...
#我的世界# 工作台(Crafting Table)(其英文名在成就中也被称为Workbench)是Minecraft中最基本的方块之一。工作台可使用或者不使用工具进行开采,但用斧是最快的。工作台自然生成在村庄的图书馆、女巫小屋和雪屋生成。对已放置的工作台按下使用键会打开3×3的合成方格,
Welcome to the Easy Crafting repository Easy Crafting is a Minecraft mod that provides similar functionality to the now out of date mods like Crafting Table II (by ljdp) and Crafting Table III (by Zeldo). I also plan to extend its functionality and usefulness by implementing new features and...
The crafting table can no longer be crafted as is. Instead, you must place leather atop planks, dye it with black dye, and hammer it all together with the new mallet, a simple wooden tool with a bonus to knockback. Now you can craft for real. ...