The Meteoric Iron Ingot is a crafting ingredient obtained by smelting Raw Meteoric Iron. Once smelted, it can be used to make Sensor Glasses or Astro Miner The Astro Miner is a new vehicle added in Galacticraft 3.0.12. Obtaining Orion Drive Crafting it requires the Orion Drive as a recipe...
Members CleanroomMCOwner serenibyssAuthor
Make your house just the size you need it to be to make room for chests and things to store your stuff in. You don't want it getting too cramped! Look up more things to do in Minecraft so you don't get bored of the game. Minecraft is the best game ever when you unlock its sec...
Build a cosy farm, grow crops and raise animals with Hello Kitty and Friends. Upgrade your house with cute new furniture and enjoy fun seasonal events like egg hunts and pumpkin carving! For a limited time, you can also stop by the Dressing Room for your free Hello Kitty Outfit!
When you download Minecraft Earth for free, you’ll be given an eight-by-eight buildplate by default. It’s basic and simple, but you have the freedom to build creative structures on it. But aside from manually crafting structures on a buildplate, you can also buy various buildplates from...
The top screenshot shows an automatically generated village and farm, while the bottom screenshot shows a crafting screen, where the player can create new items (e.g., an anvil) from more basic components (e.g., iron ingots). Two primary modes of play: Survival and creative. In stark ...
- plenty of room for normal Minecraft amenities - easy pack up and go for your next spot 55 Better Builder's Wands 26 votes Creator: Portablejim - craft wands that help with building - place multiple blocks in different way 56 Desertlands 39 votes Creator: pentan500 - new desert based di...
1 continue shopping view my bag add to bag 18+ 1195 4.8 the crafting table 89,99 € added to my bag the crafting table qty: 1 continue shopping view my bag add to bag 8+ 400 4.9 the frog house 54,99 € added to my bag the frog house qty: 1 continue shopping view my bag...
Carving out a safe room containing furnaces, a crafting table, a bed and a chest might be well worth their time. If they spend lots of time underground, they may want to bring resources for a more sophisticated base with. Lava is highly dangerous and becomes quite common on lower levels...
Unique Features:Creativerse offers a range of biomes and creatures, with advanced crafting and building tools. It also has a blueprint system, allowing players to share their creations easily. How it Differentiates:The graphics are more detailed and vibrant compared to Minecraft, and its crafting ...