WorldEdit 的功能非常强大,学会它能让你的建造之路如虎添翼,当然我也只是个创世神新手,用到的功能还十分简单,主要利用的就是 //copy、//paste、//walls、//set、//replace 这几条指令,使用的最复杂的指令也不过是建造核电站冷却塔时的 //generate x^2/0.4+z^2/0.4-y^2<1 条件建造指令。 学会WorldEdit,...
[17-02-09]..为什么我复制了一个建筑然后我找一个空地放置建筑在我视线后面呢 而且如果是a点在上面copy的话在paste建筑就到地下了露出一半好气啊如图 怎么回事啊有大神吗 主要是为什么我paste不在我视角却在后
可以用worldedit(创世神),选择区域后//copy,然后//schem save 名称转到另一个存档输入//schem load,然后//paste -a即可如果要跨版本的话在本地文件找到建筑对应的.schem文件就好,一般在.minecraft\config\worldedit\schematics里面 6楼2021-11-30 17:45 回复 ...
!copy -复制pos1和pos2之间的结构 !cut -剪切pos1和pos2之间的结构 !paste -将复制或剪切的结构...
gibby_pun{1.5} [The Ultimate Pun Mod!] (更多怪物和物品.jar) Unloadedthirstmod{1.8.4} [Thirst Mod] (水.jar) UnloadedRedstonePasteMod{1.6} [Redstone Paste[CN_Dark]] (爬墙红石MOD.jar) Unloadedminers{3.0.3} [Miner's Heaven] (矿工天堂MOD.jar) UnloadedInfernalMobs{1.4.5} [Infernal Mobs...
Inside theModsfolder, click your mouse in any blank space and pressCtrl+Vto paste that mod file you had copied earlier Now that your new mod is installed, you can start playing it. Look for the name of the mod in your menu, and remember that it may not be the exact mod name you ...
javascript minecraft copy paste Javascript Minecraft Download at Software Informer Minecraft Version Changer 18.0 Free Allows you to change your copy of Minecraft to a different version. copy of Minecraft to a different ... you play Minecraft on a server ... every time Minecraft is updated 199...
Here's a snippet you can copy-paste: repositories { maven { url""} } dependencies { deobfCompile"net.ilexiconn:llibrary:1.7.19-1.12.2"} If LLibrary is not added to your project when you run your gradle script, make sure you have Java 8u102 or higher ins...
Get the mod file from above. Locate the .minecraft folder and open mods folder in it. Paste all the downloaded files in mods folder. This will do really nicely and you can check working of mods by launching Minecraft. So have fun and enjoy playing Minecraft. ...
Open the class files from the mod with an archiver such as WinRAR or 7-Zip and copy-paste the files into 1.8.0_TMI.jar. Do not close the archiver yet. Delete META-INF and close the archiver. Start the new launcher. Click “Edit Profile” ...