Connection timed out: no further informationerror in Minecraft stops players from joining a multiplayer server. The game tries to connect but eventually fails after waiting for a while. This error means there is a problem with the communication between the player’s computer and the server, usuall...$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: Now, let us see what you need to do to resolve Connection refused: no further information on Minecraft. Why does it say Connection refused No further information? The error code in question means ...
While trying to get into your world in Minecraft, you may see this error message on the Minecraft Java screen “ Connection refused: no further information:“. This seems to be a normal Minecraft issue but it isn’t the problem of the Minecraft game, the firewall ...
求助,无法联机Connection refused: no further information 只看楼主收藏回复 霜月みずは 世界重构 1 dns设置过了,重启,重装都试了,就是进不去 送TA礼物 1楼2023-03-23 13:37回复 霜月みずは 世界重构 1 dd 来自Android客户端2楼2023-03-23 14:00 回复 ...
22565. This port can be interfered with by Windows Firewall which can cause the error. You will need to enable this port in Firewall for it to work without any issues. Follow these steps to allow port in Windows Firewall to fix Minecraft connection timed out no further information issue....
You now know How to Fix Connection “Refused No Further Information Error” on Minecraft FAQ What Should I Do If I Still Can't Connect? You've followed every step, but can't connect to the server? It's okay, double-check your settings and ensure you saved your changes....
我的世界mc联机出现这 Connection refused no further information是因为服务器崩溃造成的,等待服务器恢复即可。游戏创始人为马库斯·佩尔松,也称为notch,其灵感源于《无尽矿工》、《矮人要塞》和《地下城守护者》。玩家可以在游戏中的三维空间里创造和破坏林林总总的方块...
[Couldn't connect to server$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: IP地址省略/[IP地址省略]:25565 Caused by: Connection timed out: no further information at java.base/ Method... refused:no further information: Minecraft'1.16.5 回到服务器列表 refused:no further information: 无法连接至服务器 口X Minecraft'1.16.5 已赞过 你对这个回答的评...
The Error – “$AnnotatedConnectException Connection refused no further information ” basically means that the connection to the Minecraft server is interrupted, lost or refused due to more than one reason. The various reasons leading to this connection refused error are...