It's a handy bundle that includes some useful textures which make the entire look of grass in the game look real. This pack was developed by jahirtrap since December 2016. This shows the longevity of this texture pack as it's been here for a while now. It still gets regular updates a...
资源包(Resource pack)系统为材质包系统的代替物,允许玩家更深度地自定义自己的Minecraft体验。资源包允许玩家自定义音乐、音效、语言文件、离开末路之地的显示文本和字体,而不用修改任何代码 资源包可以放置在 .minecraft 里面的 resourcepacks 文件夹。每个资源包都由
Journeymap - Adds a minimap and a larger map! CTM - Allows players to use texture packs with connected textures. Controlling - Adds ...
Grass and leaves texture are also compatible with biome coloring so they should work with datapack/modded biome tints. Due to the amount of extra textures, this pack is significantly heavier than other packs at the same resolution. The pack also features custom mob animation from FreshLX (...
After installing this mod, you will notice some changes in your world. For instance, you will see the grass waving. The same can also be said of water and leaves. BSL Shaders BSL Shadersoffers you something quite different and special in your world. If you think you’ve seen the ...
As an example, if you mix the appearance of a wolf with the behavior of a sheep (a sheep in wolf's clothing), you will quickly notice that the wolf in Minecraft does not come with a grazing animation, so it will look like the grass below them just pops off....
Support for HD texture packs and new fonts Smooth lighting Emissive textures Anisotropic filtering Random entities Connected textures Better grass and snow Antialiasing All in all, the software is extensive, and not every feature can be listed. Minecraft has helpful tooltips that appear when you hove...
New, easy on the eyes, grass texture New still water animation Added more new paintings How to install Pixel Perfection Resource Pack? Start Minecraft. Click “Options” in the start menu. Click “resource packs” in the options menu.
Better GrassFixes grass blocks side texture to match surrounding grass terrain Better SnowFixes transparent blocks textures to match surrounding snow terrain Clear WaterClear, transparent water with good visibility underwater Custom SkyUse custom textures for the day and night skies. Multiple layers, ble...
MCCE-2479 - It's possible to step up 1 pixel height from Grass Paths to Farmland blocks.从草径到耕地可以增加1格像素高MCCE-4644 - Birch boat texture is broken in cartoon texture pack桦木船的材质在卡通材质包中坏了MCCE-3352 - No trail after shulker projectile on PS4PS4中潜影盒发出的弹射...