/time set <时间值> /time add <时长> /time query <查询项> 首先是time set,设置游戏时间,数值后方加单位,省略时默认为t, t为游戏刻,每天的时间为24000游戏刻,0t=24000t=日出 s为秒,每20个游戏刻等于1秒, d为天,每天为1200秒,为20分钟。 其次是time add,在当前基础上增加时间,单位与上述相同。 最...
“/summon”命令特別有用,因為它允許您將殭屍或苦力怕等生物帶入世界。“/time set”命令還可用於控制遊戲中的時間,根據您的喜好使某些活動變得更容易或更困難。您還可以利用各種其他命令,例如“/xp”和“/weather”。借助這些工具,遊戲玩家能夠創造獨特且動態的遊戲體驗。
)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/setblock、/setfixedinvslot、/setworldspawn、/spawnpoint、/summon、/tell(及其别名/msg和/w)、/testforblock、/testforblocks、/time、/toggledownfall、/tp(及其别名/teleport)、/weather、/wsserver和/xp命令。 大部分命令的功能与Java版1.10相同。差别在于:不支持数据标签、/...
As long as you understand the basics of time and day/night cycles inMinecraft, the time command is a simple way to set the time of day in your game. Along with the weather management command, this is a handy workaround when you need access to sunlight or particular environmental conditions...
/helpRunning `/help` in the chat by itself will list every command you can run. However, since there are so many, they have been divided up into several pages, where you are shown only one page at a time. Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever yo...
(MinecraftItemTypes.NetheriteBoots)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.WoodenSword)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Offhand, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Shield)); } const equipmentCompArmorStand = armorStand.getComponent(Entity...
setAbsoluteTime(absoluteTime: number): voidSets the world time.ParametersabsoluteTime: number The world time, in ticks.Notes:This function can't be called in read-only mode.setDefaultSpawnLocationsetDefaultSpawnLocation(spawnLocation: Vector3): void...
Title commands fired before a client was done joining will now show instead of being ignored 在客户端加入前发送的 Title 指令现在将会被展示。 Added the 'replace entity' overload to the '/loot' command 为'loot' 命令加入了 'replace entity' 重载 ...
The most basic use for command blocks is to execute commands when triggered.With command blocks, you can set up sign commands that let players interact with the world when they click them. For example, you can give new players a set of items or teleport them to a specific place....
import{ system, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftEntityTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionteleport(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constcow = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Cow, targetLocation); system.runTimeout(()=>{ cow.teleport( { x...