1.“我的世界 (Minecraft)”Java版和 RTX 版的世界转换指南https://www.nvidia.cn/geforce/guides/minecraft-rtx-world-conversion-guide/ 2. MCC Tool Chest PE - Minecraft 我的世界 基岩版 java版 存档世界互转 https://www.kirimasharo.com/archives/MCC_Tool_Chest_PE.html 3. Minecraft基岩版存档结构概...
A Minecraft Java Snapshot Marketplace Marketplace Content: March 2025 Time to find the culprit hiding in this month’s Marketplace Pass and Realms Plus Marketplace LET’S PLAY: BIOMES+ 1.2 Join us as we explore Biomes+ 1.2 by Shapescape ...
https://mcreator.net/- MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft Java Edition mods, Minecraft Bedrock Edition Add-Ons, and data packs using an intuitive easy-to-learn interface or with an integrated code editor. It is used worldwide by Minecraft players, aspiring mod developers,for educa...
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: trueLevel generator options:Level spawn location: World: (557,63,361), Chunk: (at 13,3,9 in 34,22; contains blocks 544,0,352 to 559,255,367), Region: (1,0; contains chunks 32,0 to 63,31, blocks 512,0,0 to 1023,...
How to create aMinecraftworld with a seed If you’re just starting out inMinecraft, creating a new world in the game is much easier than you may think. First, head to the World Generator, where you can consistently upload the same biomes and structures each time.Minecraft PEalso allows yo...
在Java版1.14.3中,合并修复工具的合成配方被重新加入;在Java版1.16的快照20w10a中,将钻石装备升级为下界合金装备的合成配方则被转移至锻造台。 将流体独立出方块范畴 Java版1.13加入了含水机制,这标志着将流体从方块范畴中分离的开端。官方曾在2018年发布了一张开发版本的截图,其中展示了流入树叶和花的水,且官方指...
Vanilla 对于 Java 版来说,绝大多数服务端的始祖便是 Mojang 提供的官方服务端了,按照习惯,我们把官服叫做 Vanilla(香草,代指纯净[纯净服务端有歧义]) 其实他本身的名字应该是 Minecraft_Server(但是大多数情况下我们不会用这个名字) Vanilla 有以下的属性 ...
generator-settings= #生成器设置,留空默认为原版生成器[S] resource-pack= #服务器使用资源包,此处填写资源包在服务器内的目录[S] level-name=world #地图名称[S] rcon.password= #RCON密码,若不开启RCON功能可无视[S] player-idle-timeout=0 #挂机检测,0为关闭,单位为分钟[I] ...
generator-settings= force-gamemode=false allow-nether=true enforce-whitelist=false gamemode=survivalbroadcast-console-to-ops=true enable-query=false player-idle-timeout=0 difficulty=easyspawn-monsters=true broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true op-permission-level=4 ...
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