用法: /< command > [玩家]别名: eheal ignore 介绍: 忽略某玩家。用法: /< command > < 玩家 >别名: eignore invsee 介绍: 查看某玩家背包。用法: /< command > < 玩家 >别名: einvsee item 介绍: 生成一个物品。用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID > [数量 < 附魔名称[ 附魔等级] > 。
(which enables the player to view their work from a top view and explore terrains more quickly), ability to spawn creatures, such as chickens and polar bears (as many as desired), and to exert complete control over the environment, including rain and sunlight (via Minecraft's command line)...
用法: /< command > [文本] 别名: eantioch,grenade,egrenade,tnt,etnt backup 介绍: 进行备份。 用法: /< command > 别名: ebackup ban 介绍: 封禁一个玩家。 用法: /< command > < 玩家 > [理由] 别名: eban banip 介绍: 封禁一个玩家的IP地址。 用法: /< command > < IP地址或玩家名称 > ...
itemStack: ItemStack The stack of items to add.Returns ItemStack | undefinedNotes:This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors.clearAllclearAll(): voidClears all inventory items in the container.Notes:
Number of the items in the stack. Valid values range between 1-255. The provided value will be clamped to the item's maximum stack size.Type: numberNotes:This property can't be edited in read-only mode. This property can throw errors when used. Throws if the value is outside the ...
用法: /< command > [玩家] 别名: eheal 介绍: 忽略某玩家。 用法: /< command > < 玩家 > 别名: eignore 介绍: 查看某玩家背包。 用法: /< command > < 玩家 > 别名: einvsee 介绍: 生成一个物品。 用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID > [数量 < 附魔名称[ 附魔等级] > 。。。] 别...
Command is similar to /nbt block /nbt me HealF - show your health /nbt *admin EnderItems[0].id - show id of first item in admin's enderchest view-mode (optional) - View mode of tag Edit tags Set new value for nbt tag: /nbt object query = value type /nbt value type > object...
Function to call. options?:EntityEventOptions=null Additional filtering options for this event. Returns(arg:EntityRemoveAfterEvent) =>void- Returns a closure that can be used in subsequent unsubscribe operations. Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. ...
Removes a callback from being called when a script runtime is being terminated due to a violation of the performance watchdog system. Parameters callback: (arg:WatchdogTerminateBeforeEvent) =>void 重要 This function can't be called in read-only mode. ...
用法: /< command > [文本] 别名: eantioch,grenade,egrenade,tnt,etnt backup 介绍: 进行备份。 用法: /< command > 别名: ebackup ban 介绍: 封禁一个玩家。 用法: /< command > < 玩家 > [理由] 别名: eban banip 介绍: 封禁一个玩家的IP地址。 用法: /< command > < IP地址或玩家名称 > ...