command will change the mode of play from survival to creative. the "/summon" command is especially useful as it allows you to bring mobs such as zombies or creepers into the world. the "/time set" command can also be used to control the time in the game, making certain activities ...
用法: /< command > < 玩家 > 别名: etpahere 介绍: 拒绝传送请求。 用法: /< command > 别名: etpdeny,tpno,etpno 介绍: 拒绝所有传送。 用法: /< command > [玩家] [on|off] 别名: etptoggle 介绍: 列出所有的地标,或传送到该地标。 用法: /< command > < pagenumber|warp > [玩家] 别名:...
The /testfor command has a few different applications, mainly as an overview tool for counting objects or entities at a given location. It’s also a good way to check for particular players or items of interest. Whether you’re keeping tabs on your fellow players or a horde of zombies, ...
用法: /< command > < survival|creative|adventure > [玩家]别名: adventure,eadventure,adventuremode,eadventuremode,creative,eecreative,creativemode,ecreativemode,egamemode,gm,egm,gma,egma,gmc,egmc,gms,egms,gmt,egmt,survival,esurvival,survivalmode,esurvivalmode antioch 介绍: 在目标位置放置一个点燃...
Scroll down and change "enable-command-block=false" to "enable-command-block=true" and click "Save".Click on "Back" and start your server back up again.Once the server is online, log in and type "/give @s command_block".Congratulations! You now know How To Enable Command Blocks In ...
ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEventSignal Seat Structure StructureManager System SystemAfterEvents SystemInfo TargetBlockHitAfterEvent TargetBlockHitAfterEventSignal Trigger TripWireTripAfterEvent TripWireTripAfterEventSignal WeatherChangeAfterEvent WeatherChangeAfterEventSignal ...
Whether the player is flying. For example, in Creative or Spectator mode. Type:boolean Notes: This property can throw errors when used. isGliding read-only isGliding: boolean; Whether the player is gliding with Elytra. Type:boolean Notes: ...
Climb to the top of a mangrove tree and leap through the swamps with Frogs 来与青蛙一起爬上红树树顶,越过沼泽吧! Find allays to help gather items 寻找悦灵来帮你收集物品吧! Added several new music tracks to enjoy during gameplay 添加了一些新的音乐,在游玩过程中慢慢欣赏吧 ...
Windows - Command Prompt:gradlew :worldedit-fabric:runClient Windows - PowerShell:.\gradlew :worldedit-fabric:runClient 🎉 That's it. 🎉 It takes a long time to actually transform WorldEdit into a mod. If it succeeds,the Minecraft game will open and you can create a single player world...
Fixed an issue where an Armor Stand’s pose would not change when right-clicked while the player had sneak held and flying (MCPE-168548) 修复了玩家飞行并按住潜行键时无法右键改变盔甲架姿势的问题(MCPE-168548) Weighted Pressure Plates now update their signal strength immediately when multiple items...