As long as you understand the basics of time and day/night cycles inMinecraft, the time command is a simple way to set the time of day in your game. Along with the weather management command, this is a handy workaround when you need access to sunlight or particular environmental conditions...
"/gamemode" command will change the mode of play from survival to creative. the "/summon" command is especially useful as it allows you to bring mobs such as zombies or creepers into the world. the "/time set" command can also be used to control the time in the game, making certain ...
ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEventSignal Seat Structure StructureManager System SystemAfterEvents SystemInfo TargetBlockHitAfterEvent TargetBlockHitAfterEventSignal Trigger TripWireTripAfterEvent TripWireTripAfterEventSignal WeatherChangeAfterEvent WeatherChangeAfterEventSignal WeatherChangeBeforeEvent WeatherChangeBeforeEve...
setGameMode setSpawnPoint startItemCooldown stopMusic addExperience addExperience(amount: number): number Adds/removes experience to/from the Player and returns the current experience of the Player. Parameters amount:number Amount of experience to add. Note that this can be negative. Min/max bounds...
number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command.See more in thePopular Commands documentation....
ScriptEventCommandMessageAfterEventSignal Seat Structure StructureManager System SystemAfterEvents SystemInfo TargetBlockHitAfterEvent TargetBlockHitAfterEventSignal Trigger TripWireTripAfterEvent TripWireTripAfterEventSignal WeatherChangeAfterEvent WeatherChangeAfterEventSignal ...
介绍: 将手中物品佩戴头上用法: /< command > [remove]别名: ehat,head,ehead help 介绍: 查看帮助命令列表。用法: /< command > [搜索项目] [页数]别名: ehelp helpop 介绍: 给在线的管理员发送信息。用法: /< command > < 文本 >别名: ac,eac,amsg,eamsg,ehelpop ...
There are five different types of sculk blocks to be found in the deep dark. If you want to mine them, you will need to stay stealthy and use Silk Touch. The sculk block is a great decorative block thanks to its atmospheric glow. The sculk sensor is a redstone block that detects vibr...
minecraft单机指令列表command list CommandList Stuckonacommand,confusedorjustlookingforsomethingnew?Checkout Tobringupthecommand"console"type'T'thentypeinthecommand.Belowisabriefrunthroughofthecommandlist: achievement<list...
/execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> block <position: x y z> <block: Block> [chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0] /execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> blocks <begin: x y z> <end: x y z> <destination: x y z> <scan mode: BlocksScanMode> [chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption...