Improved the performance of the locate biome command to mitigate stalls on the server while ...
The block type icon now appears in the Command Block UI screen (MCPE-159970) 现在命令方块 UI 中会显示方块类型图标(MCPE-159970) The game no longer shows a retry cloud sync prompt when encountering an out of space error (MCPE-162455) 遇到空间不足错误时不再会显示重新尝试云同步的提示(MCPE-162...
"minecraft:break_blocks":{ "breakable_blocks": [ "grass", "dirt" ] } Vanilla entities examples ravager JSON Copy "minecraft:break_blocks": { "breakable_blocks": [ "bamboo", "bamboo_sapling", "beetroot", "brown_mushroom", "carrots", "carved_pumpkin", ...
"minecraft:break_blocks": { "breakable_blocks": [ "bamboo", "bamboo_sapling", "beetroot", "brown_mushroom", "carrots", "carved_pumpkin", "chorus_flower", "chorus_plant", "deadbush", "double_plant", "leaves", "leaves2", "lit_pumpkin", "melon_block...
This addon adds vanilla styled battle axes to the game. Battle axes are a hybrid between axes and swords ByiKorbon Published on 6 Mar, 2025 5 Biomes & Beyond A world expansion add-on that adds new biomes, blocks, mobs, & more!
message.split(" ");if(args.length >0) {switch(args[0].toLowerCase()) {case"echo":// Send a modified version of chat messageworld.sendMessage(`Echo '${eventData.message.substring(4).trim()}'`);break;case"help": world.sendMessage(`Available commands: echo <message>`);break; } } ...
介绍: 把(手中|背包|全部方块)物品出售给系统。用法: /< command > < 物品名称|物品ID|hand|inventory|blocks > [-][数量]别名: esell mail 介绍: 查看/清除/发送 邮件。用法: /< command > [read|clear|send [to] [文本]|sendall [文本]]别名: email,eemail ...
BarrierVision – Allows you to see barrier blocks CustomF3 – Modify the F3 debug menu StaticVision – Statically modify and lock your FOV World: FastBreak – Allows you to break blocks faster FastPlace – Allows you to place blocks faster ...
8. Panzerfaust can dedtroy blocks.9. Now, if you don't want bullets to break glasses and panzerfaust to destroy blocks, then use the command /gamerule domobgriefing false. To enable breaking glasses and blocks, enter the command /gamerule domobgriefing true.10. Maximum ammo/mag stock size ...
"minecraft:break_blocks": { "breakable_blocks": [ "bamboo", "bamboo_sapling", "beetroot", "brown_mushroom", "carrots", "carved_pumpkin", "chorus_flower", "chorus_plant", "deadbush", "double_plant", "leaves", "leaves2", "lit_pumpkin", "melon_block",...