可用分判据如下: "acquireIron", "bakeCake", "blazeRod", "bookcase", "breedCow", "buildBetterPickaxe", "buildFurnace", "buildHoe", "buildPickaxe", "buildSword", "buildWorkBench", "cookFish", "diamonds", "diamondsToYou", "enchantments", "exploreAllBiomes", "flyPig", "fullBeacon", "...
BE:anchored <eyes|feet> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0> 参数 JE:<anchor>:entity_anchor BE:eyes|feet 需要设置的基准点位置。 必须为eyes或feet。eyes为眼部,feet为脚部。效果 将局部坐标的执行基准点设为眼睛或脚,并改变facing子命令所指向的位置。 参数不正确时,视为语法错误。示例 /tp的效果是...
You can add the Unbreaking enchantment to any pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe, fishing rod, carrot on a stick, shears, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, shield, elytra, sword, trident, bow, or crossbow using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command. Then use the enchanted item and never...
You can add the Curse of Vanishing enchantment to any tool, weapon or armor using anenchanting table,anvil, orgame command. The maximum level for the Curse of Vanishing enchantment is Level 1. This means that you can only enchant an item with up to Curse of Vanishing I, and nothing highe...
addEnchantments(enchantments: Enchantment[]): void Adds a list of enchantments to the item stack. Parameters enchantments:Enchantment[] The list of enchantments to be added. Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors. ...
(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondSword, 1); const enchantments = ironFireSword?.getComponent(ItemComponentTypes.Enchantable); if (enchantments) { enchantments.addEnchantment({ type: new EnchantmentType(MinecraftEnchantmentTypes.FireAspect), level: 1 }); } const inventory = player.getComponent('minecraft:...
Woods Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Forest biome. This will be the dominant Wolf variant that you will be able to find in the Overworld, since the Forest biome is very common 森林狼 - 在森林生物群系生成,它将会是在主世界里最容易找到的种类,毕竟森林也是分布很广的生物群系 ...
描述 传送理由枚举值,用于WillTeleportToServerEvent事件class EntityTeleportCause(object): Unkown = "0" # 尚未具体分类,末影人自体传送目前归为此类 Projectile = "1" # 飞射物,类似末影珍珠 Command = "3" # op指令,类似传送指令 ChorusFruit = "2" # 吃紫颂果传送 Behavior = "4" # 微软原生脚本...
Command /BalancedEnchantmentReload: Reload config setting, no effect or potential crash if you change general options. Enchantments: +++Magma walker:(Very rare) Solidifies lava if you slowly step (shift) on it, small chance to deal damage to boots unless netherite [Boots], not compatible with...
Improved the performance of the locate biome command to mitigate stalls on the server while ...