Open aCommand Blockand enter this command:/teleport @px y z. When you activate the block, you'll teleport to the indicated coordinates. How do I teleport to a village in Minecraft? Open the chat window and enter/locate Villageto see the coordinates of the nearest village. Then, use the ...
BE:<subcommand: Option_If_Unless> score <target: target> <objective: string> matches <range: integer range> [chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0] 检测<target>的<targetObjective>的分数是否在指定<range>内。 参数 JE:<target>:score_holder BE:target: target 需要检测的单个分数持有者。 必须为...
BE:run <command: command> 参数 JE:... BE:command: command 任何一个完整的命令,不可以以斜线开头。 技术细节[仅Java版] 将命令节点重置为命令调度器的根节点。 注意: 命令调度器是在玩家开始输入以斜杠/开头的消息时开始的。 命令节点是光标正在编辑的特定词(word)或项(entry),是一个命令或参数。 根...
This command shows the coordinates to the nearest mangrove swamp biome. You can then travel orteleport in Minecraftto reach there. All You Need to Know About Mangrove Trees Exclusive to the mangrove swamp biome, mangrove trees are the rarest type of trees in the game. They can adapt to and...
Executing this command in your chatbox will reveal the coordinates to the closest Cherry Grove in your world. Then, you can either walk up to it orteleport in Minecraftto reach the new biome. Create Single Biome World If you want to skip the entire exploration part altogether, then create ...
- Wandering Pearl: Slightly faster than Ender Pearls, with a slightly further throwing distance. Teleports near your landing point, at the nearest safe location if possible. This can be used to get back on a platform from below it - Spectral Cloth: Grant Spectral Stride (slightly lighter and...
ender dragon first, use an ender pearl to teleport yourself up to the floating gateway that spawns once it dies. Oh, and there will be a lot of endermen. Don’t look at them. Maybe wear apumpkinon your head to be safe, if you don’t mind a good chunk of your vision being ...
↑ Jump up to: a b c d e f Available with /give command. ↑ Jump up to: a b c d e f The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.Block statesSee also: Block states Java Edition: NameDefault valueAllowed valuesDescription distance 7 1234567 How far away this block...
command to find the coordinates of the nearest warm ocean biome. For example, type /locatebiome minecraft:warm_ocean and press Enter. The game will display the coordinates of the nearest warm ocean biome in the chat window. You can then use the /tp command to teleport to those coordinates....