//gz = spawn a Giant Zombie //gbarrier = give a barrier block //gcmdb = give a command block //gdg = give a fragon egg //n = time set night //d = time set day //sg spawn a Snow man Warning: the teleportation commands teleport the player randomly into the dimension and can ...
/setspeed [速度|重置](设置移动速度) /spawn(产生某个生物) /setblock(将一个方块变成另一个方块) /setidletimeout(设置自动踢出挂机玩家的时间) /spawnstack {NAME|ID|random}(产生一个合体的怪物NPC) /setworldspawn(设置出生点) /spawnpoint(设置某位玩家的出生点) /summon(生成某个实体) /snow(在自己...
/summon Giant 巨型僵尸 /summon Enderdragon 末影龙 /summon WitherBoss 凋零 /summon Skeleton 骷髅 /summon Pig ~ ~ ~ 输入指令可以刷出一只猪 /summon Cow ~ ~ ~ 输入指令可以刷出一只牛 /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ 输入指令可以刷出一只僵尸 /summon Cow - 牛 /summon Chicken - 鸡 /summon MushroomCow -...
Command blocks are also useful for creating custom adventure maps. With the help of custom commands, you can adjust game elements, spawn mobs, and create custom challenges for players.This can create custom challenges, puzzles, story-driven levels, and more....
/summon Giant - 巨型僵尸 非生物: /summon Boat - 船 /summon MinecartRideable - 普通矿车 /summon MinecartHopper - 漏斗矿车 /summon MinecartFurnace - 熔炉矿车 /summon MinecartCommandBlock - 指令方块矿车 /summon MinecartChest - 箱子矿车 /summon MinecartSpawner - 刷怪笼矿车 /summon Sm...
['骷髅'/3185, l='MpServer', x=-3.37, y=-3.62, z=14.86], EntityZombie['僵尸'/4489, l='MpServer', x=-38.03, y=-16.22, z=-26.63], EntityScent['entity.ZAMod.EntityScent.name'/5028, l='MpServer', x=-229.09, y=63.00, z=98.97], EntityScent['entity.ZAMod.EntityScent.name'/...
解决方法:我是用Multicraft在崩服之后还能接受指令的神奇功能,使用/setblock抹掉了那个方块,其余方法例如删区块估计也能成功。例:(ID为536:3(分类树核心)的方块导致了崩溃,世界为world,坐标为-707,45,327)--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// I feel sad now :(Time: 2/2/15 11:05 AMDescription: Exception...
/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ Wondering why? The coordinates~ ~1 ~are commonly used when running the /summon command from acommand blockso that the entity/mob spawns 1 block above the command block. Learn about thecoordinate system. Congratulations, you have learned how to use the /summon command...
/spawnpoint @a ~ ~ ~ 设置所有玩家的重生点在自己脚下 (注:如果设置的重生点有方块阻挡,则会回到世界重生点或世界重生点的附近) /setworldspawn x y z (设置世界出生点到指定坐标) 7、/summon zombie x y z (生成僵尸到指定坐标) 解释:zombie僵尸 Skeleton骷髅弓箭手 Ghast恶魂 Witch 女巫 Ender Dragon末...
functionspawnMobs(){constoverworld = world.getDimension(MinecraftDimensionTypes.Overworld);// spawn mobs = create 1-2 mobsletspawnMobCount =Math.floor(Math.random() *2) +1;for(letj =0; j < spawnMobCount; j++) {letzombieX =Math.floor(Math.random() * (ARENA_X_SIZE -2)) - AREN...