)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/setblock、/setfixedinvslot、/setworldspawn、/spawnpoint、/summon、/tell(及其别名/msg和/w)、/testforblock、/testforblocks、/time、/toggledownfall、/tp(及其别名/teleport)、/weather、/wsserver和/xp命令。 大部分命令的功能与Java版1.10相同。差别在于:不支持数据标签、/...
Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。正式版是Minecraft ...
Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press theEnterkey to run the command. Once the cheat has been entered, the /list command will display the number of online players, the maximum number ...
1、/give @a command_block 1 0 (给予一个命令方块) /give @a diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:5}],Unbreakable:1b}(给予一把锋利5的无线耐久钻石剑) 解释:1:个数(有些物品会有个数限制,一般的物品最多给64个);0:给予时的耐久(可以调为负耐久);id:后接附魔的ID,[最高有效的等级好像是...
Added a damage command for applying damage to entities 添加damage 命令,用来对实体造成伤害 dded ride command to mount and dismount entities 添加ride 命令,用来骑乘或取消骑乘实体 The clone command now supports cloning to and from different dimensions 现在clone 命令支持复制到或复制自不同维度 A new st...
enable-command-block:允许命令方块(推荐为false) generator-settings:超平坦世界的层次设置(推荐留空) level-name:保存世界的文件夹(推荐默认,原因待会说) motd:服务器简介 motd pvp:玩家之间互相攻击 generate-structures:生成建筑(比如村庄、沙漠神殿、林地府邸) ...
For example, you use the gold_block name in the /give command when you want to give the player called DigMinecraft 4 blocks of gold./give DigMinecraft gold_block 4Other Item ListsMinecraft ID List (Java Edition 1.16) Minecraft ID List (Java Edition 1.15) Minecraft ID List (Java Edition ...
You can check out the list below for all the details, I’m too busy making heart eyes at these cute propagules to go through them all. 当我们提到这个话题时——今天你是否有机会看到我们向Minecraft中加入的其他超级酷的玩意呢? 因为今天,荒野更新正式发布,整个世界将会充满青蛙,悦灵,监守者(*瞬间感...
enable-command-block 允许使用命令方块 motd 服务器名称 query.port 监听服务器的端口号 pvp 允许玩家伤害 difficulty 游戏难度 max-players 玩家上限 online-mode 开启正版验证 allow-flight 允许飞行 view-distance 视距 max-build-height 最大建筑高度