minecraft:end_gateway 末地折跃门方块 minecraft:repeating_command_block 循环型命令方块 minecraft:chain_command_block 连锁型命令方块 minecraft:frosted_ice 霜冰 minecraft:structure_block 结构方块 minecraft:iron_shovel 铁锹 minecraft:iron_pickaxe 铁镐 minecraft:iron_axe 铁斧 minecraft:flint_and_steel 打火石...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /give command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can give a player any item whenever you want using the /give command in Minecraft.
Riptide Propels the player forward when enchanted item is thrown while in water or rain Unbreaking Increases durability of item, in effect, by decreasing the chance of the tool, weapon, or armor taking durability damage when usedDefinitions Enchantment is what the enchantment is called. Description...
Players earns knowledge points each time they use a grave's soul to enchant an item, when they free a soul from a receptacle, by praying near a decorative grave with a special item called Ankh of Pray (with a cooldown of 6 in-game hours), or by accomplishing the tombstone advancements....
Display Name: The item's name that will be displayed in the inventory and in other places within the interface. To keep things simple, let's name it Glass Sword. Identifier: The identifier of the item will be used internally, like with the /give command. The identifier needs to start wi...
Download for free a collection of the best mods of the Minecraft 1.16 community. Improve your game by adding new technology mechanisms, sets of tweaks,
This Minecraft Bedrock commandgives XP or experience pointsto the players. Then these experience points help you touse enchanted books in Minecraftalongside various other functions. Blocks and Item-Based Commands The following Minecraft Bedrock commands are for editing in-game items and blocks along wi...
Speed, haste, strength, regeneration, immunity to fire, night vision, boost jumping, and others. The command is /give followed by the text: @p pa: enchantedtaco. We draw your attention to the fact that this add-on works with the Minecraft version 1.14 and higher. Also do not forget to...
Ladder ladder 65 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3] tile.ladder.name ↑ ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons. ↑ Available with /give command. ↑ The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.Block...
item frame fireworks rabbit hide porkchop raw fish clownfish raw beetroot seeds dye powder pink book normal fish salmon cooked gunpowder feather comparator pumpkin pie dye powder lime iron axe dye powder black flower pot book enchanted fish salmon raw cake stone shovel...