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是否需要在Minecraft游戏中向玩家提供物品?您忘记输入的确切命令了吗在〜控制台内生成项目? 立即安装我们的软件,您将永远不会忘记如何使用Give命令生成项目。 这是开始使用我们的软件通过命令生成器向玩家提供物品/武器等的方法。 1)安装我们的软件Command
Use this quick command generator to enchant: select an enchantment and a level. Check in the table above the maximum enchantment level you can use. Enchantment type: Level: Did you enjoy this creation? Click on a star to rate it!
Command that adds a machine with which you can create large, random dungeons, with rooms filled with random spawners and chests. Minecraft edition Java Minecraft version 1.8.1 Report errorAdvertisementFrequently Asked Questions How do I install Dungeon Generator? What if there are bugs or the comm...
Get the official command City Generator for Minecraft version 1.8.1! Generate modern cities in your world!
5 现在用记事本打开“server.properties”文件来设置高级虚拟服务器属性。打开后输入:#Minecraft server properties#Mon Apr 13 15:14:52 CST 2015generator-settings=falseop-permission-level=4allow-nether=truelevel-name=worldenable-query=falseallow-flight=falseannounce-player-achievements=trueserver-port=25565...
Minecraft Summon Command Generatorhttp://www.minecraftupdates.com/commands 通过设置快速完成summon自定义生物使用方法1.设置生物的类型,名称,武器,装备,附魔,装备掉落率,生命,移动速度,攻击力,仇恨范围,击退距离等数值,点击Generate2.复制指令,进入游戏,Ctrl+V把指令黏贴到命令方块里,激活命令方块~~100%掉落全套钻石...
The best generator for creating complex machines with one command! Supports encasing within a box, signs, and 20hz clocks, all automatically!
指南针指向人 /execute at @a[name=<玩家名>] run setworldspown ~ ~ ~ 发光指令 /give @s command_block 1 /effect @a Glowing 999999 99 漂浮箭指令: /testfor @e【type=arrow】 /execute @e【type=arrow】 ~~~ effect @e【r=10】 levitation 3 10 true ...