HMCL启动器启动后..Command: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_251\\bin\\java.exe" -Dminecraft.client.jar=.mi
As long as you understand the basics of time and day/night cycles inMinecraft, the time command is a simple way to set the time of day in your game. Along with the weather management command, this is a handy workaround when you need access to sunlight or particular environmental conditions...
Command: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_121\\bin\\java.exe" -Dminecraft.client.jar=.minecraft\versions\1.16.5\1.16.5.jar -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:-Use...
See more in the Damage Command documentation. Game Directors Yes /daylock Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle. Game Directors Yes /deop Revokes operator status from a player. Admin No /dialogue Opens NPC dialogue for a player. See the page on the Dialogue documentation for more information...
The kill command or any damage greater or equal to the target's current life will now kill it in base game versions below 1.18.20 /kill 命令或任何大于或等于目标当前生命的伤害现在会在低于 1.18.20 的基础游戏版本中杀死它 Zombified Piglins spawned by Nether Portals now have a 15-second cool...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to set the time to night with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. When the game turns to day in Minecraft, you can change the time back to night with a cheat (game command). Let's explore how to set the time to
This command allows you tomodify the passage of time in the game. You can instantly change the day-night cycle or even change the ticker speed by which time passes in the game. toggledownfall This dual-action commandchanges the weatherin your Minecraft world. If it’s raining, this command...
mode instead.” In the Settings Menu, you can switch the ‘/gamemode spectator’ command on and...
Minecraft我的世界电脑版服务器设置.docx,Minecraft服务器设置 1. 服务器指令 1.1 CMD端口指令 help 显示帮助 op 玩家名字 设置某玩家为管理员 时间: time set day 设置时间为白天 time set night 设置时间为晚上 天气: weather rain 雨天 weather clear 晴天 weather thund
Uses: Use this command to set the game time of your preference. Set the time to “0” during the morning, set to “6000” during the afternoon, “12000” during the evening, and “18000” during the night. 10. Set your preferred Weather Syntax: /weather Uses: Use this command to man...