The amount goes after the Item that you are giving.For example, you can give DigMinecraft 4 blocks of gold with the following command:/give DigMinecraft gold_block 4Type the command in the chat window and press the Enter key to run the command....
To learn more about how Items function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Item JSON DocumentationList of Items展開資料表 IDNameAux Values (if applicable) 383 acacia_boat -140 acacia_button 658 acacia_chest_boat 567 acacia_door -812 acacia_double_slab -575 acac...
Common Enchantment, accessible in the Enchanting Table and on Enchanted Books in loot 常见魔咒,可...
The sound for picking up items is now played when using the ‘/give’ command 当使用 “/give...
Although they can also be a bit of a pain to get hold of – partially due to needing a silk touch enchanted tool, and because they need a huge amount of raw ice to craft. Personally, I recommend finding and mining blue ice, rather than trying to craft it all from regular and packed...
Example: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}rewardExpControls villagers giving xp for trading, set to true or falsegenerationDefines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"Silent...
Command Blocks Enter your server or singleplayer world with cheats enabled, then open the in-game chat. Run the following command:/give [Username] minecraft:command_block 1 Afterward, place it down and attach a lever on it in preparation for summoning mobs. ...
Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 ...
Mobs that can wear equipment will now often spawn with enchanted weapons and armor 现在会生成带有附魔装备的生物 Armor enchantments include Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV 附魔包括保护 IV, 弹射物保护 IV 以及火焰保护IV ...
To disable mobs and structures, the game rules are used before the creation of the world or with the help of the command /gamerule in the game itself. Also, for configuration, you can try using mods such asBorn In Configuration,Bad Mobs,In ControlorSpawn Balance Utility ...