The playsound command allows us to play sounds in Minecraft, let’s see how to use it. You can also write the command inside acommand block. /playsound <sound> [player] [position] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] soundis the name of the sound, you’ll find the full Minecraft playso...
BE:player: target:CommandSelector<Player> 指定声音的接收者。 必须是玩家名称或目标选择器。且目标选择器只允许选择玩家。 JE:<source> 指定要停止的声音所属的类别,对应于游戏选项中“音乐和声音”设置的分类。 必须为以下之一:master、music、record、weather、block、hostile、neutral、player、ambient、voice或*...
值可以是individual_event_sounds、block_sounds、entity_sounds、interactive_sounds。 :二级集合名,用于表示某一类方块的共同音效集合,例如stone和wood。 volume:声音的音量。默认值为1.0。可以是一个区间以表示范围。 pitch:声音的音高。默认值为1.0。可以是一个区间以表示范围。 events:具体的声音事件命名空间ID的...
Similar to the “clone” command, this command lets youfill specified areas with blocks. You can have a variety of modifications to the block structure, including the options to keep them hollow. Moreover, this command allows you to create structures using unconventional blocks like bells, ladder...
The Sculk Sensor's activation and deactivation sounds are now categorized properly as block sounds (MCPE-115395) 现在幽匿感测体的激活和停止激活时发出的声音被正确归类为方块声音 Sculk Sensor can now properly detect a Player using a Fishing Rod ...
↑ Unavailable with /give command NameSavegame ID Block entity BrewingStandBlock statesSee also: Block states Java Edition: NameDefault valueAllowed valuesDescription has_bottle_0 false falsetrue True when a bottle is in slot 1. has_bottle_1 false falsetrue True when a bottle is in slot 2....
The block type icon now appears in the Command Block UI screen (MCPE-159970) 现在命令方块 UI 中会显示方块类型图标(MCPE-159970) The game no longer shows a retry cloud sync prompt when encountering an out of space error (MCPE-162455) 遇到空间不足错误时不再会显示重新尝试云同步的提示(MCPE-162...
The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command /blockdataBlockEntityTagBlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a block entity when it’s placedExample: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}...
Updated block sounds for Bone Blocks, Netherrack, Soul Sand, Netherwart, Nether Bricks and Quartz Ore 更新骨块,地狱岩,灵魂沙,地狱疣,地狱砖和石英矿的声音 Flying with elytra at high speeds no longer causes the sound to become jittery (MCPE-19945) 用鞘翅高速飞行时的音效不会鬼畜了 Controls操控 ...
The '/spreadplayers' command will now avoid more hazardous locations /spreadplayers命令现在会避开更危险的位置 Reload command will now discover new function and script files Reload命令现在会发现新的函数和脚本文件 When a Command Block clones itself twice with the '/clone' command, the cloned Command ...