比如: id:"minecraft:command_block"。有时这个也需要加入,但是普通情况不需要,/tellraw内需要一些双引号。但是双引号之间无法在使用双引号,这样会导致指令错乱。方法是双引号内的双引号前面加一个 \ ,来分辨。比如:"{id:3,tag:{display:{Name:\"Dirt Block\",Lore:[\"This\",\"Is\",\"Dirt\"]}}}"...
在Minecraft中,使用创世神(/give @p minecraft:command_block 1)的指令方块来删除其他指令或创建相关效果时,可以使用 /clear 指令来删除。示例: 1. 删除创世神指令方块: /clear @p minecraft:command_block 此命令将清除玩家身上的所有命令方块。如果您需要删除某个特定命令方块,可以使用其唯一ID来删除,例如: /cle...
Minecraft(我的世界)基岩版 命令方块学习笔记 命令方块(Command Block)又称命令块,是游戏《Minecraft》里,被红石信号激活后(在Java1.9加入了保持开启的功能,无需红石)能执行命令的方块,这对冒险地图提供了极多的功能。 在Minecraft相关的社区里,经常能够见到一些构思巧妙、富有创意的地图。这些地图往往会涉及一些似乎是...
我没有enable-command-block这一项... 2楼2013-03-22 19:08 回复 这个世界满地坑 地下要塞 9 #Minecraft server properties#Sun Mar 17 16:05:09 CST 2013generator-settings=allow-nether=truelevel-name=worldenable-query=falseallow-flight=falseserver-port=25565level-type=DEFAULTenable-rcon=falselevel...
When a Command Block clones itself twice with the '/clone' command, the cloned Command Block will now activate on the first try (MCPE-122188) 使用/clone命令复制命令方块,在命令方块被复制完成的同时,被复制的命令方块在第一次激活尝试时会被正常触发 (MCPE-122188) ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a command block with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a command block is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace and it is not available through the Creative Inv
1 获得命令方块 /give @s command_block 2 屏障:/give @s barrier 3 允许方块:/give @s allow 4 拒绝方块:/give @s deny 5 结构方块:/give @s structure_block 6 边缘方块:/give @s border_block 这是入门级的哦,其他的等我看看点赞咋样才会继续出这个系列的...
BlockFluidContainerComponent BlockInventoryComponent BlockLocationIterator BlockPermutation BlockPistonComponent BlockRecordPlayerComponent BlockSignComponent BlockStates BlockStateType BlockType BlockTypes BlockVolume BlockVolumeBase ButtonPushAfterEvent ButtonPushAfterEventSignal Camera ClientSystemInfo CommandResult Compon...
Command Block Assembly started off as a tool that compiled assembly instructions into Minecraft commands. It has now grown into a much larger suite of tools for compiling source code into Minecraft commands, therefore the toolchain as a whole is known as the Minecraft Compiler Collection (MCC). ...