● Fixed a bug where Chain Command Blocks would not activate when Delay in Ticks was greater than 0 ● 修复了当游戏刻延迟大于 0 的时候, 链式命令方块不会激活的错误 Sound 声音 ● Fixed an issue where Hanging Signs would not be affected by block volume ● 修复了悬挂告示牌不受方块音量影响的...
block(方块)和 fluid(流体) Predicate also accepts block and fluid sub-predicate. Available fields: 判据添加了 block(方块)和 fluid (流体)子判据。可用的字段: block/fluid - exact block/fluid id to match block/fluid - 需要完全匹配的方块或流体 ID tag - block/fluid tag to match tag - 需要匹配...
Minecraft | Using command block | 2018-02-28-17-43-29 01:20 Minecraft | Bugs | Torch and light bug | 2018-03-01-12-56-24 00:06 Minecraft | Redstone | Observer pulse | 2018-03-01-13-03-18 00:36 Minecraft | Bugs | Bugs of user interface and chunk... | 2018-04-01-00...
This will pre-generate a 5,000 block radius around your world spawn. The server will lag heavily while the process is running, but once it is done your performance will improve dramatically. You can increase the radius as much as you like, but we recommend keeping it under 20,000 blocks....
Minecraft is a “block game” where players move around a space and build blocks using a mining metaphor. Some of the procedural capabilities within the game have engaged members of the community to create basic circuits, leading up to full-fledged computers out of the logic circuitry. Since ...
fluid detection (e.g. water, lava) block detection (configurable to a specific block) range booster Unless disabled in the config, the scanner will act as a chargeable item, using the Forge energy API. The energy consumed for each scan depends on the modules installed in the scanner. The ...
TrappedCommandCooldownHours: 0 这个是,比如玩家在别人领地内,卡住了.如掉进矿坑,没有×××上来.用/trapped命令可以10秒不动后,传送到领地地表.但是这个命令如果设cooldown时间,如果玩家走进一些奇葩地方,我怕他们出不来.因为这个时间是按小时计的.即使设1,也表示如果玩家连续2次掉入遍地坑坑洼洼的地方,1小时后...
This option optimises a suffocation check (the check to see if a mob is inside a block and if they should take suffocation damage), by rate limiting the check to the damage timeout. This optimisation should be impossible to notice unless you're an extremely technical player who's using tic...
首个1.14快照版本将于周三(2018/10/24日)晚发布,将包含大多数已经公开的特性,首个快照将不包含新的渲染引擎Blaze3D。体验快照版本的冒险家,在加载老版本的地图时请一定注意备份,快照版本属于测试版,可能存在地图损坏的风险。 Minecraft 1.13.2 正式版已经发布,1.13.2属于一个小版本更新,没有加入新的玩法和特性,主...
A COMMAND TO DEACTIVATE ITEM KILLING PROVIDED BY THE MOD : /ItemKilling true/false please note that the folowing command will deactivate an important failsafe mecanic of this mod preventing your game from deleting items upon joining the world which is key to prevent severe lag due to the corr...