Yellow then makes a machine that plays the exact tune Green was playing. Green then builds a layer above it, and then builds glass and a note block on top of it and then stone with a note block on top of it, and plays the the stone one twice, and the glass one once. Pattern: ...
|Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。|正式版是...
BlockWorks’ Imagination Island makes extensive use of emissive blocks to add mood-setting lighting to their rides and attractions (click to load an interactive RTX ON-OFF comparison) Emissive lava and fire blocks cast appropriate light throughout environments, leading to the creation of new shadows...
and almost everything works fine, except the minimap entity name. The names looks blurry and are problematic to read. When I open the map everything is fine however on the minimap (both in the corner and when centered with Z) the names for entities are blurry. I was...
RainbowEnchant – Makes your enchantments rainbow colored (client-side only) Dinnerbone – Flips you upside down (client-side only) BarrierVision – Allows you to see barrier blocks CustomF3 – Modify the F3 debug menu StaticVision – Statically modify and lock your FOV ...
Sparse Wood Sparse, mixed woodland with rather dry and chilly climate, which makes trees to look a bit bleak. Middle Tundra Chilly, quite flat area with shrubs, surrounded by Sparse Wood. Grassland Dry grassland. Barren Lands Gloomy lands with acid green skies.Something devastating used to happe...
Create a building to house your shop that makes the vendor chest unreachable by others. Place the main shop Sign. The first line should just read [Shop] The second line tells what others can buy from you and has the format "ItemID Amount Damagevalue". The Damagevalue is optional, it ...
Post 1.18.1 (version 12) The tool modifer is a percentage slowdown. 1.00 doesn't slow. 0.9 slows it to 90% speed (and makes it 10% more exhausting). Settings Exhaustion Type Exhaustion rates are configured per tool type and dimension. They do not apply to "soft" items (like torches,...
Minecraft's source language, (which is English, United States), commonly makes use of this comma, and since it's present within several other strings throughout the game, this introduces an inconsistency. Affected String: Before reading the table, please note the following: ...
The world is split up into 32x32 block chunks in the XZ plane (Y is up). This allows the world to be “infinite” (floating point precision is currently a problem at large X or Z values) and also makes it easier to manage the data. Only visible chunks need to be queried from the...