§1深蓝色dark_blue001700000AA004200002A §2深绿色dark_green0170000AA000420002A00 §3湖蓝色dark_aqua017017000AAAA04242002A2A §4深红色dark_red17000AA000042002A0000 §5紫色dark_purple1700170AA00AA420422A002A §6金色gold2551700FFAA00424202A2A00[仅JE] ...
In Minecraft, there are color codes and format codes that you can use in chat and game commands. Here is a list of color codes and format codes that are available in Minecraft:
For example, if you type “§4 hello” the text will appear in dark red, any other specified color. To change the color back to the original, insert “§r” to reset to the text’s default color, reverting away from the desired color given with the code. . You can change the colo...
up side none Redstone Dust low none tall Wall (any) noteThe note the note block plays when it gets powered. State value Blocks Integer (0 to 24) Note Block occupiedIf there's already a player in this bed. State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Bed (any) open...
anvilcolors.color.<color> - Allows you to use a color where <color> is the color without an '&'. Color Codes 0 - Black 1 - Dark Blue 2 - Dark Green 3 - Dark Aqua 4 - Dark Red 5 - Dark Purple 6 - Gold 7 - Gray 8 - Dark Gray 9 - Blue a - Green b...
§8Dark Gray §9Blue §aGreen §bAqua §cRed §dLight Purple §eYellow §fWhite
The painting with the person that wears a red shirt and white skin color is Graham from the King's Quest series. The paintings with the spider and Graham is the scenery of Space Quest. The painting of the two karate men is from the game International Karate+. The painting of the old ...
dark_purple purple green dark_green dark_aqua black aqua dark_red light_purple white yellow gray dark_gray But hey, Trashbox, I can just set color codes in language files. Why I should use this? works in runtime: you can change rarity codes on fly to create complex effects ...
($formatCollection,$colorCollection);$motd= [ ["text"=>"A"], ["bold"=>true,"extra"=> [ ["color"=>"white","text"=>"Mine"], ["color"=>"dark_red","text"=>"craft"], ] ], ["text"=>"Server"] ];$motdItemCollection=$parser->parse($motd,new\DevLancer\MinecraftMotdParser\...
289 Colormatic This splash is stored as "§1C§2o§3l§4o§5r§6m§7a§8t§9i§ac" in splashes.txt; the "§" [section sign] and the character following are color codes that determine the color of the text following the code. 1.1(11w50a) v0.7.3 alpha ...