玩家在方块上行走step.gravelstep0.091.016否否 方块在方块上跳跃jump.graveljump0.11.016否否 方块在方块上着陆land.gravelland0.171.016否否 数据值 ID Java版: 名称命名空间ID方块标签(JE)物品标签(JE)本地化键名 砂土coarse_dirtazalea_grows_on azalea_root_replaceable bamboo_plantable_on big_dripleaf_pl...
Coarse Dirt 砂土 Cobbled Deepslate 深板岩圆石 Cobbled Deepslate Slab 深板岩圆石台阶 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs 深板岩圆石楼梯 Cobbled Deepslate Wall 深板岩圆石墙 Cobblestone 圆石 Cobblestone Slab 圆石台阶 Cobblestone Stairs 圆石楼梯 Cobblestone Wall 圆石墙 Cobweb 蜘蛛网 Cocoa 可可果 Command Block 命令方块 C...
砂土(Coarse Dirt)是泥土的变种,它不会被附近的草方块扩散而长草。 砂土能在原始松木针叶林、原始云杉针叶林、疏林恶地和风袭热带草原生物群系中大片地生成。 砂土也会作为古迹废墟的一部分生成,并且可能会被替换为可疑的方块。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖
There are a lot of ways to fix low FPS without having to upgrade your hardware. In Minecraft, you can go to the video settings and reduce all of the functions. For example, you can turn clouds off so that your computer doesn’t have to try and render them. It’s also a good idea...
Shovels: Mined gravel will drop flint nearly 100% of the time. Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Related: What does Fortune do on an axe in Minecraft? Efficiency Efficiency increases the speed at which your tool mines blocks. For the best effect, you'll want to use Efficiency V and combine...
Coarse Dirt 砂土 Cobbled Deepslate 深板岩圆石 Cobbled Deepslate Slab 深板岩圆石台阶 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs 深板岩圆石楼梯 Cobbled Deepslate Wall 深板岩圆石墙 Cobblestone 圆石 Cobblestone Slab 圆石台阶 Cobblestone Stairs 圆石楼梯 Cobblestone Wall 圆石墙 ...
Coarse Dirt 砂土 Cobbled Deepslate 深板岩圆石 Cobbled Deepslate Slab 深板岩圆石台阶 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs 深板岩圆石楼梯 Cobbled Deepslate Wall 深板岩圆石墙 Cobblestone 圆石 Cobblestone Slab 圆石台阶 Cobblestone Stairs 圆石楼梯 Cobblestone Wall 圆石墙 ...