CO I插件的记录文件database.db会随着时间推移越来越大,LZ当时服务器这个文件达到几G的时候导致后台不停报错,印象中报的是数据库相关错误,游戏内表现为使用CO I查询不到历史数据信息,所以定期清理下此文件。 4楼2015-12-18 23:57 回复 空白 核心会员 6 本插件记录不了个别物品信息,如工业扳手拆机器,请单独...
我的世界模组大全工具箱,英文名叫Maste rfor Minecraft PE,也叫我的世界PE大师启动器,是一款专门为我的世界玩家打造的辅助工具。软件内置所有我的世界游戏模组、地图、组件、皮肤等内容,用户可以下载到游戏里并玩耍,可以满足所有用户的需求。 同时,软件界面十分简洁、体积小巧,操作简单,最重要的一点就是软件内的资源...
STEAKCOCHICKCHOP For the third place we have the steakcochickchop, which nourishes the same as the previous one. (mixture of steakcochop and cooked chicken). Its crafting is as follows (shapeless): --- STEAKCOCHICARROCHOP For the fouth place we have the steakcochicarrochop, which nourish...
mc.setBlock(0,0,0, a block at an x, y, z co-ordinate to a particular typemc.setblock(0,0,0,,1)#sets a block to a particular type and 'subtype' .setBlocks(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,blockType, blockData) "Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,...
/co l r:10 Configuration Watson's main configuration settings are stored in ".minecraft/mods/watson/configuration.yml". They can be changed using the "/w config" command. If a setting can be either "on" or "off", omitting a value for it in "/w config" will reverse the current value...
"The definition of a 3 part vector in Minecraft, i.e. a set of x, y, z co-ordinates; x and z are the horizontal positions, y the vertical" position = vec3.Vec(0,0,0) .x "x position" xPos = position.x .y "y position" ...
/co i /co lookup u:{name}command /co purge /coreprotect restore What can you do with Coreprotect: Coreprotect is a server inspection plugin, designed with the purpose of seeing what users are up to on your server. This mod is primarily used for griefing inspection but has a rather wide ...
mc.setBlocks(-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, #sets many blocks at a time, filling the gap between 2 sets of x, y, z co-ordinates .getHeight(x,z) "Get the height of the world (x,z) => int" y = mc.getHeight(0,0) #find the y (vertical) of an x, z co...*,AliExpress*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,* SD Card Setup: SanDisk Extreme A1 The SanDisk Extreme A1-A2 SD card has the best scoring SD card onpibench...
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 45 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 126,838 times. 43 votes - 49% Co-authors...