I was missing the old ambience of Minecraft so I created this pack. Three versions:Default: pre-Beta 1.8 brings back the old sounds and music. No sounds were muted.Classic: pre-Beta 1.8 brings back the old sounds and removes many sounds to recreate the pre-Beta 1.8 atmosphere (e.g. ...
import { world, ItemStack, EntityEquippableComponent, EquipmentSlot, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; import { MinecraftItemTypes } from "@minecraft/vanilla-data"; function givePlayerEquipment( targetLocation: DimensionLocation ) { const players = world.getAllPlayers()...
import{ world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";functionplayMusicAndSound(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constplayers = world.getPlayers();constmusicOptions: MusicOptions = { fade:0.5, loop:true, volume:1.0, }; world.playMusic("music....
This is a Sounds resource pack, Replaces background music, menu music, and records. It replaces 25 music and 15 records.
/music volume ...音量大于1.00 任意执行成功时播放、插入播放队列、停止播放或调整音量. 输出 命令版本条件成功次数 任意基岩版失败0 成功1 示例 循环播放Pigstep唱片 /music play record.pigstep 0.5 0 loop 将Stal唱片添加到播放列表且仅播放一次 /music queue record.stal 0.5 0 play_once ...
主題 此內容未提供您的語言版本。 這是英文版。 關閉警示 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute ...
Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute 下載PDF 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 文章 31/01/2025 Contains APIs to enable/disable player input permissions. ...
In Bedrock Edition, when the Classic Textures pack from the Marketplace is enabled, the villagers still use their default texture instead of the old texture.[21] This is because the old textures of villager are located in ...\entity\villager, while the textures for new villagers are in .....
17 Indev! Indev was the second major version of Minecraft, after Classic. It was succeeded by Infdev. Indev v0.7.3 alpha 18 Spiders everywhere! There are a lot of spiders in Minecraft during the night. Indev v0.7.3 alpha
8.Fixed a bug where crafting category tabs would not be visible in Pocket UI after hiding the recipe book in Classic UI (MCPE-183825) 修复了在经典UI中隐藏配方书后在携带版UI中看不到制作类别选项的错误(MCPE-183825) 9.The arrow from the Stonecutter screen is now visible all the time, just...