Hello,I present you my creation of my mod Siren Head Return for minecraft bedrock editon. I created my own 3D models for Siren Head and Light HeadI created my own texture for mo... Bylinxing Published on 13 Mar, 2025 2.7 Texture Pack ...
KentCraft_City is a modpack based on building mods to meet the needs of building enthusiasts for as many different kinds of building materials as possible!It provides a stable and long-lasting building paradise for building enthusiasts!It also has many familiar mods, like AE2, Rftools, TConstr...
Mega Technolopis is a city modpack where you can build your own city. There are 3 versions of the pack: 1.x is MC version 1.12.2 with over 200 mods 2.x is MC version 1.16.5 with over 180 mods 3.x is MC version 1.20.1 with over 130 mods (More to come) Modpack has mostly ...
就稳定性和系统占用情况而言,Linux 是更好的选择。 至于运行什么版本的 MC,实际上我认为在一定程度上新一些比较好,毕竟这并不是 Mod 服务器,不需要考虑 Mod 的兼容性问题。越新的 Paper 包含的性能升级就越大,Minecraft 本体的玩法更多,但是相应的 MC 服务器的性能需求也越大。不过,你也需要根据你所安装的插件...
[1.15-1.20.1]蒂苏的僵尸材质包Tissou's Zombie Pack [1.8.9]Childhood童年幻想风格材质包 [1.7.10]清新油画风格材质包 [1.7.10]BLOCKU HD方块格子高清材质包 Minecraft插件 我的世界RPGItems4.0.9经典的RPG插件 RPGitem,一款非常强大的插件,RPG服务器的必备插件。你可以用它来创造... ...
极限透视 Xray Ultimate 材质包由作者“Filmjolk”所制作,是一个让玩家拥有透视效果的材质包,使用效果比Xray mod更好。 该材质包为那些喜欢挖矿,但是由苦于找不到特定矿石的玩家所制作出的。 作者为了在worldpai … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.21.1-1.16 Classic 3D 材质包下载 ...
City Projects 城市建设项目 在这里不定期会出现新的建设项目,一般为两个。 以左侧项目农业商人小屋建设为例。 个人贡献: 贡献分四类,通常拥有不同的名字。 每类贡献均需要一定的材料,或多或少,或昂贵或廉价。 通常第四个(钻石)需要一定的点券才能点,但同时会给你一定的声望。
This expansive mod lets you explore urban landscapes, discover hidden loot, and survive against the dangers lurking within. With customizable city generation, every world offers a unique post-apocalyptic experience, blending exploration with survival challenges. ...
can be crafted with Echo Shards which can only be found and are unique to Ancient City chests ...
Download the New York City map for MCPE and travel through the most important cities for the world's economy!