Creative Mode: Spawn eggs in Creative inventory Survival Mode: Enable cheats and type /give @s mcl: to see the full list.Contributor statements展開資料表 Mob NameAuthorStory Biceson Benton Brost + Connor @ Minecraft The Biceson is an icy elemental relative of the American Bison. It behaves...
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: falseForced entities: 101 total; [EntitySpider['蜘蛛'/256, l='MpServer', x=125.50, y=50.00, z=-37.28], EntityItem['item.item.itembean'/2307, l='MpServer', x=263.31, y=63.13, z=-33.69], EntityCreeper['...
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: trueStacktrace:at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_...
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: falseForced entities: 40 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['Kirakuma'/220, l='MpServer', x=110.78, y=72.62, z=246.66], EntityCow['牛'/133, l='MpServer', x=117.97, y=74.00, z=209.13], EntitySkeleton['骷髅'/2310...
# Sets the game mode for new players.# Allowed values: "survival", "creative", or "adventure"difficulty=easy# Sets the difficulty of the world.# Allowed values: "peaceful", "easy", "normal", or "hard"allow-cheats=false# If true then cheats like commands can be used.# Allowed values...
while the "/gamemode 1" command sets the game to creative mode. With "/setblock", players can place multiple blocks at once and create vast structures while the "/fill" command can be used to cover large areas with a specific block type. Additionally, those looking for complex builds can...
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: falseForced entities: 94 total; [EntitySlime[*史莱姆*/801, l=*MpServer*, x=247.66, y=64.62, z=723.79], EntitySlime[*史莱姆*/309, l=*MpServer*, x=221.78, y=63.00, z=766.63], EntitySkeleton[*骷髅*/797, l=...
online-mode:正版验证,如果你的服务器可以正常连接到 Xbox Live 的话,可以设置为true,否则可以设置为false,即便不开启正版验证,客户端也需要登录 Xbox Live 才能联机。 white-list:白名单,只有在白名单中的玩家才能进入服务器,默认为false。 allow-cheats:允许作弊,...
online-mode:正版验证,如果你的服务器可以正常连接到 Xbox Live 的话,可以设置为true,否则可以设置为false,即便不开启正版验证,客户端也需要登录 Xbox Live 才能联机。 white-list:白名单,只有在白名单中的玩家才能进入服务器,默认为false。 allow-cheats:允许作弊,默认为false。
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: trueStacktrace:at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_...