閃電苦力怕(Charged Creeper)是能產生更強大爆炸威力的苦力怕變種。 普通苦力怕周圍的4格以內被閃電擊中時,其轉化為閃電苦力怕。這道閃電可以是自然劈下的、使用帶有喚雷附魔的三叉戟、避雷針引來的、使用/summon指令生成的。它們與普通苦力怕在外觀上最顯著的不同是其周圍有明顯的動態紋理的藍色電弧圍繞。 閃電...
Go underwater to team up with the Axolotl and swim alongside the Glow Squid. When you reach hi...
Charged creeper aura is rendered correctly in most cases now (MCPE-65798) 闪电苦力怕的闪电效果现在可以在大部分洞穴中正确显示了 Fixed Paintings no longer rendering 修复了画不显示的问题 Ray tracing specific textures will be allocated/deallocated when toggling ray tracing on/off ...
MC-78963 - Command completion fails with multiple possibilities and other arguments set MC-78963 - 有多种可能性和其他参数时的命令补全失败 MC-79697 - Entities don't render properly when next to invisible spider, charged creeper, or wither boss with armor MC-79697 - 实体在靠近隐形蜘蛛、高压爬行...
minecraft:become_chargedEntity, such as a creeper, assumes a state of being charged minecraft:become_cichlidEntity becomes a cichlid minecraft:become_clericEntity, presumably a villager, takes on the role of cleric minecraft:become_clownfishEntity becomes a clownfish ...
onlyDropHeadsByChargedCreeper (default = false): When enabled, only drops mob heads if the source on death is a charged creeper. This overwrites the onlyDropHeadsByPlayerKill value.onlyDropHeadsByPlayerKill (default = false): When enabled, only drops mob heads if the source on death is ...
summon creeper ~ ~ ~ minecraft:become_charged "充能苦力怕" 在当前位置生成一个掠夺者袭击队长: summon pillager ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:spawn_as_illager_captain 在当前位置生成一个灾厄巡逻队的掠夺者袭击队长: summon pillager ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ minecraft:promote_to_patrol_captain 在当前位置生成一个名为...
To obtain electric essence you need to place your essence absorber above a charged creeper: After around 12 essence points, the essence absorber will suck all the energy out of the creeper and discharge it. Normal Spell - Lighting Orb: ...
Piglins will now drop their heads when killed by a charged Creeper 猪灵被闪电苦力怕击杀后将会掉落头颅 Placing the Piglin head on a Note Block will play one of the Piglin's ambient sounds 将猪灵头颅放置在音符盒上时会播放其一种环境音效 The Piglin head will flap its ears when powered by Red...
import { EntityQueryOptions, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function tagsQuery(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { const mobs = ["creeper", "skeleton", "sheep"]; // create some sample mob data for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const mobTypeId = mobs[i % mobs.length...