在基岩版中,这些标语以json文件的形式在assets/resource_packs/vanilla/splashes.json文件中定义,可在此或资源包中对应位置修改闪烁标语的内容。 标题屏幕上的闪烁标语会以2Hz(120BPM)的频率跳动。 闪烁标语文本不会随着语言设置的更改而得到转译,而只是会显示相同的内容。
ReddIt Last update: March 2024 Surely you have heard about Minecraft, a successful sandbox game that has racked users and awards ever since it came out in 2009, mainly because it has a huge community backing it. One of the game’s greatest triumphs is its great accessibility. Anyone can cr...