Container entities like Boat with Chest can now be opened on mobile devices without crouching if ...
Here you can find Bees and Warm Frogs 在这里有蜜蜂和橙色青蛙 The floor of this biome is coated...
In the world of Minecraft, mining is essential to a player's progress in the game. However, it can be dangerous and time-consuming if not done well. Below are some tips provided by the community for performing this underground work. Due to being the safe
Changed the spawning logic for Iron Golems and Cats to make it easier for them to spawn in roofed areas, like underground villages (MCPE-142292) 改变了铁傀儡与猫的生成逻辑,以使得它们更容易在屋檐下的区域内生成,例如地下村庄(MCPE-142292) Scaffolding can no longer be placed without support on y...
- craft natural blocks like grass, gravel and mycelium 15 Moar Boats 178 votes Creator: jglrxavpok - boats can now be used for transporting goods - place point on map for boats to travel back an forth - tether boats together for more storage 16 Tool Belt 129 votes Creator: gigaherz - ...
Reindeers can be tamed with carrots, mounted with a saddle and then ridden for an effective snow traveller Deserts : The Main new features of the deserts are the new palm trees, one of the 5 new wood types, there is also new sand/sandstone blocks, and new types of grass and flowers, ...
SwingThroughGrass (by exidex) Terracart Reloaded (by Kreezxil) Thaumcraft (by Azanor13) Thaumic Augmentation (by TheCodex6824) Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon) (by BlayTheNinth) The Aether (by GildedGames) The Beneath (by Shinoow) ...
✔️ Builtin Shaders, which can be disabled for lower end PC`s ✔️ New Creatures, Mobs & Bosses to enhance your Vanilla Experience! ✔️ Tons of NEW Dungeons & Structures from Additional Structures& When Dungeons Arise & Repurposed Structures & Additional Structures and many more!
A fresh collection of the best modifications for Minecraft 1.17.1 Java Edition. Download to try out additional options for vanilla gameplay features in Caves and Cliffs update. Get multi-functional technology blocks, new adventure dimensions, legendary weapons and armor, or try to improve your game...
↑ Only underwater and underground. ↑ Only on slime chunks. Mushroom Field Shore[] Mushroom Field Shore Structures and Features Huge Mushroom Shipwreck[BE only][4]Buried Treasure[BE only][4] Blocks MyceliumMushroom BlocksMushrooms Climate Temperature 0.9 Colors Grass color #55C93F Fol...