Dripstone growth If a stalactite is hanging from a dripstone block with a water source above, it will slowly grow both the stalactite from above and a stalagmite from below Growth speed is random but very slow, a single growth step can take several minecraft days A stalactite will only grow...
Acacia Trees now grow Leaves on every branch below Y = 0 (MCPE-151386) 金合欢树现在 Y = 0 之下会在每个树枝上都生长叶子了 (MCPE-151386) Mobs can no longer spawn on Campfires (MCPE-152770) 生物不再能生成于营火上了 (MCPE-152770) BLOCKS 方块 Glow Lichen does not generate hanging in the...
Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can no longer be placed on or attached to Brewing Stands 发光地衣、火把、红石等方块不再能放置/附着于酿造台上了 Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can now be placed on or attached to Trapdoors, depending on their state 发光...
Acacia Trees now grow Leaves on every branch below Y = 0 (MCPE-151386) 金合欢树现在 Y = 0 之下会在每个树枝上都生长叶子了 (MCPE-151386) Mobs can no longer spawn on Campfires (MCPE-152770) 生物不再能生成于营火上了 (MCPE-152770) ...
Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can no longer be placed on or attached to Brewing Stands 发光地衣、火把、红石等方块不再能放置/附着于酿造台上了 Blocks such as Glow Lichen, Torches, and Redstone can now be placed on or attached to Trapdoors, depending on their state 发光...